Daoguo.com SEO audit

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daoguo.com value - 17725$ www.daoguo.com Trust Rank - 4.99 daoguo.com Real PageRank - 5.16 www.daoguo.com - Alexa50785/PageRank3 daoguo.com - X0 Ifnormers for daoguo.com

Daoguo.com statistics

Website: www.daoguo.com daoguo.com
Site geolocation: China, Sichuan, Chengdu
Host name:
DNS servers: dns21.hichina.com (, dns22.hichina.com (
Software: PHP/5.3.3
CMS, scripts... : jQuery
Registration date: 16-01-2007 (17 years, 90 days ago)
Expiration date: 16-01-2019 (-6 year, -91 day left)
State:Hi , It's Me clientUpdateProhibited

Info about www.daoguo.com

Site title (27 chr.): 重庆旅行社_重庆旅行社报价排名_重庆旅游网_稻果旅游网
Keywords (34 chr.): 重庆旅行社, 重庆旅行社报价, 重庆旅行社排名, 重庆旅游网, 重庆旅游公司
Description (113 chr.): 稻果旅游网精选知名重庆旅行社, 为您提供重庆旅游攻略, 重庆旅游景点大全, 重庆旅游团, 重庆旅游路线, 重庆旅行社报价, 旅游公司, 重庆旅行社排名等介绍。并提供旅游线路, 自助游, 自由行, 跟团游, 酒店, 机票, 景点门票的网络和电话预订服务。
Top 7 two word phrases (δ, ϱ %): 进入预定 直降 (7, 0.54), 人今日预定了 月 (6, 0.46), 月每周一 五 (4, 0.31), 六出发 曼谷芭堤雅尊贵逍遥 (4, 0.31), 曼谷芭堤雅尊贵逍遥 日游 (4, 0.31), 日游 晚豪华国际 (4, 0.31), 出发 超值尊享泰国 (4, 0.31)
Top 7 three word phrases (δ, ϱ %): 六出发 曼谷芭堤雅尊贵逍遥 日游 (4, 0.31), 条线路 起 最高省 (4, 0.31), 月 出发 普吉岛乐享精致五晚六天游 (4, 0.31), 月每周一 五 六出发 (4, 0.31), 月 出发 超值尊享泰国 (4, 0.31), 曼谷芭堤雅尊贵逍遥 日游 晚豪华国际 (4, 0.31), 晚邻海 独栋别墅 白天零自费 (3, 0.23)
Content: Headings (12), Bold phrases (29), Italic phrases (85), Links (583), Images (64), more info about page content on the sites comparison and keywords density pages.
Encoding: Server - UTF-8, Document (real) - utf-8, Document (declared) - utf-8

Safety, www.daoguo.com directories presence

Advisory by McAfee: Site daoguo.com is safe. Check...
Google safe browsing: Website www.daoguo.com is not currently listed as suspicious. Recheck...
Yandex safety: Site daoguo.com is not infected. Check...
Dr.Web: Check...
Web archive: Present
Yandex catalog: No

Daoguo.com ratings

Website estimated worth $17,725.00 daoguo.com worth - $17,725.00
Real PageRank of www.daoguo.com 5.16/10 www.daoguo.com Real PageRank - 5.16
TrustRank(sm), site authority 4.99/10 TrustRank(sm) for www.daoguo.com - 4.99
Alexa Ranking 50,785 www.daoguo.com - Alexa 50,785/PageRank3
Yandex IKS 0 www.daoguo.com - yX0
Informers and Widgets for Daoguo.com
daoguo.com worth - 17725
daoguo.com real pagerank - 5.16
Trust Rank of www.daoguo.com - 4.99
www.daoguo.com - Alexa50785/PR3
daoguo.com - yX0/

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Competitors of daoguo.com

No data

www.daoguo.com search engines & social media analysis

Indexed pages Incoming links 
Google documents:25,300 Alexa links:153
Bing:924 Bing references:3
Yandex pages:Check Yandex mentions:Check
Social media   
Twitter:0Blogs, forums, images 
Facebook:Show Google blogs:Show
Delicious:Show Google images:Show
Google+1:0 Yandex blogs & forums:Show
LinkedIn:0 Yandex images:Show
Moi Mir:Show Yahoo! index:Check
   Outgoing links:Check
Site's code  Sticked sites:Check
Link checkerShow Google cache:Check
PageSpeed:Show Yandex cache:Check
HTML validation:5959 errors, 99 warnings Plagiarism detection:Check
CSS validation:Show Related sites:Check
MobileOK test:ShowDNS, Ping, WhoIs, TracerouteCheck
Uptime monitoring:Show WhoIs history:Here or There
Website Spellcheck:Show Yandex catalog links:Check

Geography & traffic of www.daoguo.com

Visitors by country
China: 100.0%    
Alexa traffic
Traffic of daoguo.com
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Google traffic
Traffic graph of daoguo.com



daoguo.com traffic Quantcast traffic for daoguo.com

daoguo.com backlinks, complex analysis

Links and site audit by Solomono
Indexed pages: 16,675
Same IP domains: 1
Site mirrors: 0
Referring domains: 86 (1CA: 58, 2CA: 49, 3CA: 23, 4CA: 14)
Referring subnets: 68
IP donors: 68
Incoming links: 5,083 (1CA: 58, 2CA: 1638, 3CA: 3373, 4CA: 14)
Incoming anchor texts: 23
Domains acceptors: 103
Outgoing links: 116,915 (1CA: 43, 2CA: 2677, 3CA: 114195, 4CA: 114195)
Outgoing anchor texts: 56
IGood, donors coefficient: 9,946 / 3,769,6260.0026
Site spammy links: 0.29%
Backlinks analysis by Majestic SEO
External Backlinks: 352,346
Referring Domains: 772
Trust Flow: 36
Citation Flow: 28
Backlinks history (cumulative)
Backlinks history (non-cumulative, all time by days)
Backlinks history (non-cumulative, last 3 months)

Referring domains history (cumulative)
Referring domains (non-cumulative, all time by days)
Referring domains (non-cumulative, last 3 months)

Compare to rival (e.g. dnray.com ):

Summary stats of www.daoguo.com

Incoming links to daoguo.com
Daoguo.com serp positions

Current page links