Uio.no SEO audit

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uio.no value - 3461367$ www.uio.no Trust Rank - 9.36 uio.no Real PageRank - 8.16 www.uio.no - Alexa8896/PageRank8 uio.no - X1,200 Ifnormers for uio.no

Uio.no statistics

Website: www.uio.no uio.no
Site geolocation: Norway, Oslo, Oslo
Host name: www.uio.no
DNS servers: ns1.uio.no (, ns2.uio.no (, server.nordu.net (, nn.uninett.no (
CMS, scripts... : jQuery
Registration date: 14-11-1999 (24 years, 156 days ago)
ISP: University of Oslo, Norway (NO), Phone

Info about www.uio.no

Site title (31 chr.): Forsiden - Universitetet i Oslo
Description (158 chr.): Universitetet i Oslo er Norges største universitet med 27 000 studenter og 7 000 ansatte. UiO har ledende forskningsmiljøer og landets bredeste studietilbud....
Top 7 two word phrases (δ, ϱ %): morgen sep (6, 1.35), universitetet oslo (5, 1.13), gå til (5, 1.13), og verktøy (4, 0.90), tjenester og (4, 0.90), sverdrups hus (3, 0.68), dine studier (2, 0.45)
Top 7 three word phrases (δ, ϱ %): tjenester og verktøy (4, 0.90), ansatte og studenter (2, 0.45), vikingtidsmuseum på bygdøy (2, 0.45), samarbeid med uio (2, 0.45), auditorium blindern sverdrups (1, 0.23), hus universitetsbiblioteket morgen (1, 0.23)
Content: Headings (18), Links (116), Images (5), more info about page content on the sites comparison and keywords density pages.
Encoding: Server - utf-8, Document (real) - utf-8, Document (declared) - utf-8

Safety, www.uio.no directories presence

Advisory by McAfee: Site uio.no is safe. Check...
Google safe browsing: Website www.uio.no is not currently listed as suspicious. Recheck...
Yandex safety: Site uio.no is not infected. Check...
Dr.Web: Check...
Web archive: Present
Yandex catalog: Yes

Uio.no ratings

Website estimated worth $3,461,367.00 uio.no worth - $3,461,367.00
Real PageRank of www.uio.no 8.16/10 www.uio.no Real PageRank - 8.16
TrustRank(sm), site authority 9.36/10 TrustRank(sm) for www.uio.no - 9.36
Alexa Ranking 8,896 www.uio.no - Alexa 8,896/PageRank8
Yandex IKS 1,200 www.uio.no - yX1,200
Informers and Widgets for Uio.no
uio.no worth - 3461367
uio.no real pagerank - 8.16
Trust Rank of www.uio.no - 9.36
www.uio.no - Alexa8896/PR8
uio.no - yX1,200/

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yIKS/Site Value graphs

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Competitors of uio.no


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www.uio.no search engines & social media analysis

Indexed pages Incoming links 
Google documents:2,440,000 Alexa links:11,924
Bing:30 Bing references:29
Yandex pages:27,000 Yandex mentions:99,000
Social media   
Twitter:83Blogs, forums, images 
Facebook:2,138 Google blogs:Show
Delicious:28 Google images:Show
Google+1:76 Yandex blogs & forums:Show
LinkedIn:11 Yandex images:Show
Moi Mir:Show Yahoo! index:Check
   Outgoing links:Check
Site's code  Sticked sites:Check
Link checkerShow Google cache:Check
PageSpeed:Show Yandex cache:Check
HTML validation:11 warning Plagiarism detection:Check
CSS validation:Show Related sites:Check
MobileOK test:ShowDNS, Ping, WhoIs, TracerouteCheck
Uptime monitoring:Show WhoIs history:Here or There
Website Spellcheck:Show Yandex catalog links:Check

Geography & traffic of www.uio.no

Visitors by country
Norway: 70.7% United States: 4.4% India: 2.7% United Kingdom: 1.3%
Denmark: 1.1%    
Alexa traffic
Traffic of uio.no
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Google traffic
Traffic graph of uio.no



uio.no traffic Quantcast traffic for uio.no

uio.no backlinks, complex analysis

Links and site audit by Solomono
Indexed pages: 21,381
Same IP domains: 0
Site mirrors: 0
Referring domains: 2,593 (1CA: 283, 2CA: 1692, 3CA: 674, 4CA: 2255)
Referring subnets: 1,425
IP donors: 1,768
Incoming links: 20,011 (1CA: 289, 2CA: 8238, 3CA: 9229, 4CA: 2255)
Incoming anchor texts: 1,768
Domains acceptors: 1,895
Outgoing links: 47,104 (1CA: 13, 2CA: 385, 3CA: 4205, 4CA: 4205)
Outgoing anchor texts: 6,929
IGood, donors coefficient: 2,085,270 / 29,519,9120.0706
Site spammy links: 2.79%
Backlinks analysis by Majestic SEO
External Backlinks: 11,312,634
Referring Domains: 129,733
Trust Flow: 67
Citation Flow: 59
Backlinks history (cumulative)
Backlinks history (non-cumulative, all time by days)
Backlinks history (non-cumulative, last 3 months)

Referring domains history (cumulative)
Referring domains (non-cumulative, all time by days)
Referring domains (non-cumulative, last 3 months)

Compare to rival (e.g. dnray.com ):

Summary stats of www.uio.no

Incoming links to uio.no (1000 rows)
Uio.no serp positions
горбачев перестройка и новое мышление5n/a23%n/a390000
перестройка и новое мышление5n/a23%n/a2240000
новое мышление горбачева17n/a3%n/a2680000
новое мышление26n/a1%6113904114.233
мышление pdf46n/a1%n/a3770000
перестройка и новое политическое мышление51n/a0%n/a1040000
ibm amd o200066n/a0%n/a00000
диван husk91100+0%755000
новое политическое мышление горбачева98n/a0%n/a1600000

Current page links