Vk.me SEO audit

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vk.me value - 7636109$ vk.me Trust Rank - 10.0 vk.me Real PageRank - 8.31 vk.me - Alexa849/PageRank0 vk.me - X1,100 Ifnormers for vk.me

Vk.me statistics

Website: vk.me vk.me
Site geolocation: Russia, Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Host name: srv215-199.vkontakte.ru
DNS servers: ns2.vkontakte.ru (, ns3.vkontakte.ru (, ns4.vkontakte.ru (, ns1.vkontakte.ru (
Server type: Apache
Software: PHP/3.12437
Registration date: 23-07-2009 (14 years, 269 days ago)
Expiration date: 23-07-2020 (-4 year, -270 day left)
Registrar: GoDaddy.com, LLC R41-ME (146)
ISP: Vkontakte Ltd (RU), Email , Phone

Info about vk.me

Site title (10 chr.): vk.me | VK
Top 7 two word phrases (δ, ϱ %): contact friends (1, 4.55), community directly (1, 4.55), ease more (1, 4.55), me order (1, 4.55), links vk (1, 4.55), me quick (1, 4.55), access messaging (1, 4.55)
Top 7 three word phrases (δ, ϱ %): me order contact (1, 4.55), friends community directly (1, 4.55), share links vk (1, 4.55), access messaging feature (1, 4.55), vk me quick (1, 4.55), install app vk (1, 4.55)
Content: Bold phrases (1), Links (3), Images (1), more info about page content on the sites comparison and keywords density pages.
Encoding: Server - windows-1251, Document (real) - windows-1251, Document (declared) - windows-1251

Safety, vk.me directories presence

Advisory by McAfee: Site vk.me is safe. Check...
Google safe browsing: Website vk.me is not currently listed as suspicious. Recheck...
Yandex safety: Site vk.me is not infected. Check...
Dr.Web: Check...
Web archive: Present
Yandex catalog: No

Vk.me ratings

Website estimated worth $7,636,109.00 vk.me worth - $7,636,109.00
Real PageRank of vk.me 8.31/10 vk.me Real PageRank - 8.31
TrustRank(sm), site authority 10.0/10 TrustRank(sm) for vk.me - 10.0
Alexa Ranking 849 vk.me - Alexa 849/PageRank0
Yandex IKS 1,100 vk.me - yX1,100
Informers and Widgets for Vk.me
vk.me worth - 7636109
vk.me real pagerank - 8.31
Trust Rank of vk.me - 10.0
vk.me - Alexa849/PR0
vk.me - yX1,100/

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yIKS/Site Value graphs

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Competitors of vk.me


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vk.me search engines & social media analysis

Indexed pages Incoming links 
Google documents:285,000 Alexa links:11,363
Bing:4,770 Bing references:116,000
Yandex pages:1 Yandex mentions:303,000
Social media   
Twitter:0Blogs, forums, images 
Facebook:129,969 Google blogs:Show
Delicious:Show Google images:Show
Google+1:2 Yandex blogs & forums:Show
LinkedIn:0 Yandex images:Show
Moi Mir:2 Yahoo! index:Check
   Outgoing links:Check
Site's code  Sticked sites:Check
Link checkerShow Google cache:Check
PageSpeed:Show Yandex cache:Check
HTML validation:5050 errors, 2929 warnings Plagiarism detection:Check
CSS validation:Show Related sites:Check
MobileOK test:ShowDNS, Ping, WhoIs, TracerouteCheck
Uptime monitoring:Show WhoIs history:Here or There
Website Spellcheck:Show Yandex catalog links:Check

Geography & traffic of vk.me

Visitors by country
Russia: 51.8% Ukraine: 5.5% China: 3.4% United States: 3.4%
Kazakhstan: 3.3%    
Alexa traffic
Traffic of vk.me
Data Type:

Data Range:


Google traffic
Traffic graph of vk.me



vk.me traffic Quantcast traffic for vk.me
vk.me traffic graph vk.me traffic

vk.me backlinks, complex analysis

Links and site audit by Solomono
Indexed pages: 0
Same IP domains: 0
Site mirrors: 0
Referring domains: 381 (1CA: 130, 2CA: 206, 3CA: 220, 4CA: 86)
Referring subnets: 217
IP donors: 281
Incoming links: 92,178 (1CA: 134, 2CA: 4501, 3CA: 87457, 4CA: 86)
Incoming anchor texts: 216
Domains acceptors: 0
Outgoing links: 0 (1CA: 0, 2CA: 0, 3CA: 0, 4CA: 0)
Outgoing anchor texts: 0
IGood, donors coefficient: 96,353 / 16,101,2740.006
Site spammy links: N/A
Backlinks analysis by Majestic SEO
External Backlinks: 54,524,359
Referring Domains: 51,465
Trust Flow: 34
Citation Flow: 36
Backlinks history (cumulative)
Backlinks history (non-cumulative, all time by days)
Backlinks history (non-cumulative, last 3 months)

Referring domains history (cumulative)
Referring domains (non-cumulative, all time by days)
Referring domains (non-cumulative, last 3 months)

Compare to rival (e.g. dnray.com ):

Summary stats of vk.me

Incoming links to vk.me (51 rows)
Vk.me serp positions
вк станет100+302%n/a00000
вк вход100+934%203542217494136373692040145
вход вконтакте добро пожаловать100+834%25073058616808523.51295
вконтакте или мой мир100+207%n/a87390000
вконтакте пожаловать100+734%257652217913.614
вконтакте добро пожаловать100+634%749187479650195254720.24675
вконтакте добро100+634%27708256218569420.8850
вконтакте моя страница вход добро пожаловать100+734%1039243016963538.4537
вконтакте социальная сеть100+372%36400635663624388472800295
вк моя страница100+137%600775126589240251942054030
вконтакте моя страница100+222%83550557002610559788716710109
вконтакте вход100+127%157572989448105573110300158

Current page links