How to Use Twitter to Get Targeted Traffic?

Started by RichardSmith, 02-04-2013, 06:59:55

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RichardSmithTopic starter

Hello Friends, 
You can tweet your content with in 140 characters and can make it so attractive and informative so that your targeted visitors come across that stay for forever and make a presence of it by re-twitting your tweet. You can share your brand's or website's link and can get promoted by Twitter.   

Thanks and Regards                             

Online Reputation Management


Using Twitter to get targeted traffic is a great way to promote your brand, content, or products. Here's how you can do it effectively:

1. Optimize Your Profile: Ensure that your Twitter profile is complete and includes relevant keywords. Use a clear profile picture, cover photo, and a compelling bio.

2. Tweet Quality Content: Share high-quality, valuable content that is relevant to your target audience. This can include blog posts, videos, infographics, and more.

3. Use Hashtags: Research and use trending and relevant hashtags in your tweets to increase their visibility to a larger audience who may be interested in your content.

4. Engage with Your Audience: Respond to comments, retweet valuable content from others, and participate in conversations related to your industry to build a community around your brand.

5. Schedule Tweets: Use tools like Hootsuite or Buffer to schedule tweets at optimal times when your target audience is most active on Twitter.

6. Run Twitter Ads: Consider using Twitter ads to target specific demographics, interests, or behaviors to reach a more tailored audience.

7. Collaborate with Influencers: Partner with influencers in your industry to amplify your reach and gain access to their followers.

8. Analyze and Adjust: Use Twitter analytics to track the performance of your tweets and adjust your strategy based on what works best for driving targeted traffic.

9. Create Twitter Lists: Organize your followers and other accounts into lists based on interests or demographics. This can help you engage with specific segments of your audience more effectively.

10. Use Visual Content: Tweets with images, videos, or GIFs tend to attract more attention and engagement. Visual content can help make your tweets stand out in a crowded Twitter feed.

11. Participate in Twitter Chats: Join relevant Twitter chats to engage with a targeted audience interested in specific topics related to your brand or industry.

12. Pin Important Tweets: Pin a tweet with a link to your website or a landing page at the top of your profile to ensure that it's the first thing visitors see when they come to your Twitter page.

13. Cross-Promote on Other Platforms: Share your Twitter content on other social media platforms and encourage your audience to follow you on Twitter for more updates.

14. Offer Exclusive Content: Provide incentives for your Twitter followers to visit your website, such as exclusive discounts, giveaways, or access to premium content.

15. Leverage Twitter Cards: Use Twitter Cards to attach rich media, such as photos, videos, and product information, to your tweets to make them more engaging and drive traffic to your website.

16. Use Twitter Polls: Engage your audience by creating Twitter polls related to your industry or niche. This can encourage interaction and bring targeted traffic to your profile.

17. Cross-Promote Content: Share tweets about your blog posts, webinars, or other content across your other social media platforms and encourage your followers to engage with the content on Twitter.

18. Utilize Twitter Moments: Create Twitter Moments around key events, product launches, or important industry news to attract and engage your target audience.

19. Employ Advanced Search: Utilize Twitter's advanced search features to find and engage with users who are discussing topics relevant to your brand, products, or services.

20. Monitor and Participate in Trending Conversations: Keep an eye on trending topics and hashtags, and participate in relevant conversations to increase your visibility and drive targeted traffic to your profile.

21. Create Twitter Threads: Share longer-form content, such as a series of related tips or a story, using Twitter threads to keep your audience engaged and drive traffic to your website or specific content.

22. Host Twitter Q&A Sessions: Host live Q&A sessions on Twitter to engage with your audience, answer their questions, and drive targeted traffic to your profile and website.

By incorporating these advanced strategies into your Twitter marketing efforts, you can further enhance your ability to attract and drive targeted traffic to your website, content, or products.


Know your audience
Get the "right" followers
Build engagement
Get clicks
Measure performance
Do more of what works, but test, test, test
Encourage sharing


Way to get more traffic.

1.  Tweet about new posts to your blog
2.  Use great titles to get more clicks
3.  Only tweet about things of value
4.  Tweet about old blog posts
5.  Use Google Analytics to track the best days & times to tweet


Most important on twitter is get right follower with same interest with your niche.
Then build communication with them.
newbielink: [nonactive]


 Twitter is really help to promoting your profile will help you grow your following directly, while promoting tweets and trends will allow you to drive other initiatives used to get exposure for yourself. The most effective ways to follow another friend account on twitter. They offer solutions for promoting your profile, promoting your tweets, or promoting trends.


Twitter plays an important role in promoting your profile to follow directly, one good way is to follow a friends account on twitter!
Hope the below link will help you a lot!


             There are seven tips that can be used to get traffic to your website through twitter-
-know your audience
-get the right keywords
-build engagement
-get clicks
-measure performance
-do more of what works,but keeps in testing
-encourage sharing.


1. Credit someone when you retweet them. If you copy and paste a tweet from another user, failing to attribute the author is like stealing a tweet.

2. Be respectful.

3. Do not spam people's @ replies, Twitter feeds or direct messages. Many businesses use Twitter for marketing, but it is important to control your tweeting. People are likely to unfollow you if all day they only see your tweets filling up their Twitter feed.

4. Think before you speak.


Twitter is an online social networking service and micro blogging service that enables its users to send and read text-based messages of up to 140 characters,Twitter account throw we are connect to our Google or yahoo account.Different social media sites have different uses, strengths, and advantages. Twitter could be called a 'real time social networking' site, a place for sharing information as it happens
