Black Hat Definition

Started by balachis, 05-24-2010, 10:01:46

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Race Among websites to attain High Ranking has brought about a Number of methods and technique used to achieve this goals. These Methods can be characterized into two Groups depend on there acceptability to search engines.
White Hat SEO – SEO Methods that conform to search engine Guidelines are White Hat
Black Hat SEO – SEO Methods those are viewed as less acceptable are called Black Hat
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In search engine optimization (SEO) terminology, Black Hat SEO refers to the use of aggressive SEO strategies, techniques and tactics that focus only on search engines and not a human audience, and usually does not obey search engines rules. Some examples of Black Hat SEO techniques include keyword stuffing, invisible text and doorway pages.


A simple definition of black hat techniques is: anything that try to bring sudden changes in results like creating backlinks in bulk, keyword stuffing, cloaking , duplicate content etc. SEO is a slow procedure that can take several months to bring you in top results, but if you try these methods mean you are trying to get it early so avoid these to stay away from Google bad eyes.


Hi Guys,

Black Hat SEO or Black hat search engine optimization is normally defined as the methods or techniques that are being used in order to rank higher on different search engines using prohibited tactics and ways. This is considered as unethical SEO.

Thanks and Regards
Richard Smith

Personal Reputation Management


In simple term Black hat techniques means ignoring search engine guideline and white hat means techniques recommend by search engine to promote any website.
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Black Hat is just about using unethical means to improve rankings.  !-!


Black Hat is an unethical technique of optimization of websites in SEO.


 Black Hat SEO refers to the use of aggressive SEO strategies, techniques and tactics that focus only on search engines and not a human audience, and usually does not obey search engines rules. Some examples of Black Hat SEO techniques include keyword stuffing, invisible text and doorway pages.
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"Black Hat" search engine optimization is customarily defined as techniques that are used to get higher search rankings in an unethical manner. These black hat SEO techniques usually include one or more of the following characteristics:

  • breaks search engine rules and regulations
  • creates a poor user experience directly because of the SEO techniques utilized on the Web site
  • unethically presents content in a different visual or non-visual way to search engine spiders and search engine users.


Black hat SEO is best technique to increase the keywords ranking, traffic for your website within less time, but Today according to Google Algorithms your website can not get good ranking through back hat SEO and if you will apply this technique then your website will get penalty  from  Google. 
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