Difference in types of traffic

Started by ReconEngine, 09-27-2018, 11:49:14

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ReconEngineTopic starter

Which type of traffic is better for lead generation either referral traffic or organic traffic ?

John - Smith

Both referral traffic and organic traffic can be effective for lead generation, but they have different characteristics and benefits.

Referral traffic refers to visitors who come to your website from other websites, such as through backlinks or social media shares. This type of traffic can be beneficial because it usually comes from sources that have a high degree of relevance to your industry or niche. Referral traffic often consists of users who are already interested in the products or services you offer, increasing the likelihood that they will convert into leads. Additionally, referral traffic can help build credibility and brand awareness if it comes from trusted sources.

On the other hand, organic traffic refers to visitors who find your website through search engines like Google. This type of traffic is valuable because it generally consists of users who actively look for information related to your offerings. Organic traffic can generate highly targeted leads if your website ranks well for relevant keywords. It also has the potential to bring in a large volume of traffic over time, as search engine optimization efforts can lead to sustainable visibility.

Ultimately, the best type of traffic for lead generation depends on your specific goals and circumstances. Both referral traffic and organic traffic can be effective, and many successful businesses employ strategies to attract both types.

Here's some additional information on referral traffic and organic traffic for lead generation:

Referral Traffic:
- Referral traffic can come from various sources, including websites that mention or link to your content, social media platforms, online communities, and influencers.
- When users click on a referral link and land on your website, they often have a higher level of trust because they have been recommended by someone they trust or follow.
- Referral traffic can help build brand awareness, expand your audience reach, and increase credibility through association with reputable sources.
- In terms of lead generation, referral traffic can be particularly effective in targeting specific user segments or niche markets.

Organic Traffic:
- Organic traffic comes from search engine results pages (SERPs) where users find your website through their search queries.
- It is driven by optimizing your website's content and structure based on relevant keywords and SEO best practices.
- Organic traffic tends to be highly targeted since users are actively looking for information or solutions related to the keywords they search for.
- For lead generation, organic traffic can be valuable because it brings in users who are more likely to convert into leads or customers.
- Unlike referral traffic, which relies on external sources, organic traffic can provide long-term sustainable visibility and attract continuous flow of potential leads.

In summary, both referral traffic and organic traffic have their advantages for lead generation. Referral traffic can bring in targeted users through recommendations and trusted sources, while organic traffic can provide sustained visibility and attract users actively searching for relevant information. Businesses often strive to have a diverse mix of both types of traffic to maximize their lead generation efforts and reach a wider audience.


Referral Traffic, Paid Traffic such as from Adwords, traffic from advertisement banners placed on related websites, and organic traffic all these types of traffic is good for lead generation. If you are getting traffic from good places, means from relevant content then chances of lead generation are high.


Just only organic traffic is best for the leads.
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Organic traffic is best for ranking than a referral traffic.
Ethan Root,
iOS App Developer,London


I will not argue about the importance of organic traffic, but in some cases paid traffic is more appropriate (for instance, it's too difficult to rank for a certain keyword, or you just want to advertise for the particular audience). Obviously, the best is when you drive traffic from all channels.