How should i redirect my domain ?

Started by hostindia, 04-24-2015, 00:10:14

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hostindiaTopic starter

Dear All,
I want some information about my website.
I have a normal website and the domain is
Now I have another website with the domain of
very little traffic coming to mt website, and I want to know what should be the best option for SEO purpose.
Should i redirect it or something different i need to do.
If redirection is better one than which redirection like 301 or something else.
Please let me know in replay.
Thanks and Regards

Michal Brns

Quote from: hostindia on 04-24-2015, 00:10:14
Dear All,
I want some information about my website.
I have a normal website and the domain is
Now I have another website with the domain of
very little traffic coming to mt website, and I want to know what should be the best option for SEO purpose.
Should i redirect it or something different i need to do.
If redirection is better one than which redirection like 301 or something else.
Please let me know in replay.

Your question must say. how to improve traffic on my website rather then how i redirect my web site.

Anyways the only thing you need to do is differentiate your product with others and share the details as much as you can on social networking website then only way you can improve traffic as well as conversions.


Domain redirection can be done in multiple ways , one of the way I know is by implementing a  META code 
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=">
Include this code in header section of the index file & insert new URL.


 I can provide you with some guidance on how to handle your two websites, and, for SEO purposes.

**1. Evaluate Your Goals:**
Before making a decision, it's essential to clarify your goals for both websites. Are they serving different purposes or targeting different audiences? Understanding your objectives will help you decide on the best course of action.

**2. Content Duplication:**
If the content on both websites is largely identical, search engines might see it as duplicate content, which can negatively impact your SEO. To avoid this, you have a few options:

- **301 Redirect**: If the content on is essentially the same as, a 301 redirect is a good choice. It tells search engines that the .in version has permanently moved to the .net version. This consolidation can help improve the SEO of your primary domain.

- **Canonical Tags**: Alternatively, you can use canonical tags on's pages. This tells search engines that the .net version is the preferred version for indexing.

**3. Different Content and Audience:**
If serves a different purpose or targets a different audience than, you might want to keep both websites. In this case:

- Ensure that the content on both websites is unique and valuable to their respective audiences.
- Optimize each website individually for SEO with relevant keywords, meta tags, and high-quality content.
- Build backlinks and promote each website independently.

**4. Monitor and Analyze:**
Regardless of your choice, closely monitor the performance of both websites using tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console. Track metrics like traffic, rankings, and conversion rates to assess the impact of your SEO efforts.

**5. Local SEO Consideration:**
If your websites serve different geographical regions, you can also consider optimizing them for local SEO. Register them in Google My Business and create localized content and backlinks.

**6. Keyword Research:**
Perform thorough keyword research for both domains. Identify relevant keywords and phrases that your target audience is likely to use when searching for your products or services. Incorporate these keywords naturally into your website's content, titles, meta descriptions, and headers.

**7. On-Page Optimization:**
Optimize the on-page elements of your websites, including:

- Title Tags: Use unique and descriptive titles for each page.
- Meta Descriptions: Craft compelling meta descriptions that entice users to click on your search results.
- Header Tags: Structure your content with header tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) to improve readability and SEO.
- Image Alt Text: Add descriptive alt text to images for accessibility and SEO benefits.
- Internal Linking: Create a logical internal linking structure to help users and search engines navigate your site.

**8. Mobile-Friendly Design:**
Ensure that both websites are mobile-responsive. Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites in its rankings, so a responsive design is essential for SEO success.

**9. Page Speed Optimization:**
Page loading speed is a critical SEO factor. Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to identify and fix issues that may be slowing down your websites. Compress images, enable browser caching, and consider a content delivery network (CDN) to improve loading times.

**10. Quality Content Creation:**
Regularly publish high-quality, informative, and engaging content on both websites. Consistent content updates not only attract visitors but also signal to search engines that your websites are active and relevant.

**11. Backlink Building:**
Build a strong backlink profile for both domains. Acquire high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites in your industry. Natural and relevant backlinks can significantly boost your SEO rankings.

**12. User Experience (UX):**
Prioritize user experience on both websites. Ensure easy navigation, fast load times, and a user-friendly interface. A positive user experience can indirectly benefit your SEO efforts.

**13. Local SEO for .in Domain:**
If the .in domain serves a specific geographical audience, optimize it for local SEO. Create location-specific content, register with local directories, and encourage customer reviews.

**14. Monitor and Adapt:**
Continuously monitor the performance of both websites using SEO tools and analytics platforms. Pay attention to changes in rankings, traffic, and user behavior. Adjust your SEO strategy as needed to stay competitive.

**15. Seek Professional Assistance:**
If you're unsure about SEO best practices or lack the time to manage it effectively, consider hiring an experienced SEO professional or agency. They can provide expert guidance and help you achieve your SEO goals more efficiently.

**16. Schema Markup:**
Implement schema markup on your websites. This structured data helps search engines understand the content and context of your pages, which can lead to rich snippets in search results, improving click-through rates.

**17. User-Generated Content:**
Encourage user-generated content such as reviews, comments, and forum discussions. This not only adds valuable content to your websites but also fosters user engagement and interaction, which can positively impact SEO.

**18. International SEO:**
If your websites target international audiences, use hreflang tags to specify the language and geographical targeting of each page. This ensures that users see the most relevant content based on their location and language preferences.

**19. Mobile-First Indexing:**
As mobile usage continues to rise, ensure that your websites are optimized for mobile-first indexing. Google primarily uses the mobile version of a website for ranking and indexing, so mobile-friendliness is crucial.

**20. Voice Search Optimization:**
With the growth of voice-activated devices, optimize your content for voice search. Use conversational keywords and provide concise, informative answers to common voice search queries.

**21. Core Web Vitals:**
Pay attention to Google's Core Web Vitals, which assess page loading performance, interactivity, and visual stability. Meeting these criteria can positively influence your SEO rankings.

**22. Video SEO:**
If your websites include video content, optimize it for SEO. Create descriptive video titles, detailed descriptions, and use relevant keywords. Host videos on platforms like YouTube and embed them on your site to improve visibility.

**23. E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness):**
Demonstrate expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness in your industry. This can enhance your website's credibility in the eyes of both users and search engines. Showcase certifications, awards, and credentials where relevant.

**24. Competitor Analysis:**
Regularly analyze your competitors' websites and SEO strategies. Identify opportunities to outperform them in search results, whether through content quality, backlink building, or user experience enhancements.

**25. HTTPS and Security:**
Ensure both websites use HTTPS for secure connections. Google gives preference to secure sites, and it's crucial for building trust with visitors.

**26. SEO Audit:**
Perform regular SEO audits to identify and fix issues that may negatively impact your rankings. These audits can cover technical SEO, on-page SEO, and backlink profiles.

**27. Patience and Consistency:**
SEO is a long-term strategy, and results may take time to materialize. Stay consistent with your efforts, and don't be discouraged by fluctuations in rankings.

**28. Featured Snippets and Position Zero:**
Optimize your content to target featured snippets, also known as "position zero" in search results. Structure your content to answer common questions concisely, use bullet points or tables, and provide valuable information. Google often selects featured snippets from well-optimized content.

**29. Mobile App SEO (If Applicable):**
If you have a mobile app associated with your websites, optimize it for app store search (ASO). Use relevant keywords in your app's title, description, and use high-quality icons and screenshots. Encourage positive reviews and ratings.

**30. Content Pruning and Cleanup:**
Regularly review your website's content and remove or update outdated or low-quality pages. This can help improve the overall quality of your site and make it more appealing to search engines.

**31. Voice Search Optimization (Continued):**
Voice search is becoming increasingly important. Consider creating FAQ-style content that answers natural language questions to align with voice search queries.

**32. HTTPS and SSL Certificates:**
Ensure that both your websites have SSL certificates and use HTTPS. Secure websites are favored by search engines and provide a safer browsing experience for users.

**33. Structured Data for Rich Results:**
Implement structured data markup to enhance your website's appearance in search results with rich snippets. This can include reviews, ratings, events, and other structured data types relevant to your content.

**34. Site Speed Optimization (Continued):**
Continuously monitor and improve your website's loading speed. Faster websites provide a better user experience and are more likely to rank well.

**35. Local SEO (Continued):**
For businesses with physical locations, optimize for local SEO by creating detailed Google My Business profiles, obtaining customer reviews, and ensuring consistent NAP (Name, Address, Phone number) information across all online directories.

**36. Social Media Integration:**
Integrate social sharing buttons into your content to encourage sharing on social platforms. While social signals themselves may not be a direct ranking factor, increased social engagement can drive traffic and indirectly improve SEO.

**37. User Experience and User Interface (UI/UX) Design:**
Invest in a user-friendly design that makes it easy for visitors to navigate and engage with your websites. A well-designed site can reduce bounce rates and improve SEO.

**38. Monitor Core Algorithm Updates:**
Stay informed about major search engine algorithm updates (e.g., Google's core updates). Be prepared to adjust your SEO strategy if these updates impact your rankings.

**39. Voice Search Optimization (Continued):**
Consider creating a FAQ page on your website that addresses common voice search queries. Use natural language in your content to match voice search patterns.

**40. AI and Machine Learning:**
Explore AI and machine learning tools that can help automate and optimize various aspects of your SEO strategy, such as content recommendations, keyword analysis, and user behavior analysis.

**41. Knowledge Graph Optimization:**
Strive to have your website's information appear in the Knowledge Graph, a panel that appears on the right side of some search results. This often happens for well-known entities. Optimize your website's content and structure to increase the chances of being featured.

**42. Monitor and Optimize CTR:**
Regularly monitor your click-through rates (CTR) in search results. Higher CTRs can positively impact your rankings. Optimize meta titles and descriptions to entice users to click through to your website.

**43. Influencer Partnerships:**
Collaborate with influencers in your industry to create content or gain backlinks. Influencers can help amplify your brand's reach and drive quality traffic to your website.

**44. Blockchain and SEO:**
Explore emerging technologies like blockchain that may impact SEO. Blockchain can potentially improve aspects like secure linking and tracking of digital assets.

**45. Podcast Optimization:**
If you have a podcast associated with your website, optimize it for search. Use relevant keywords in the podcast title, description, and episode titles. Transcribe episodes to provide text-based content for search engines.

**46. AI-Generated Content:**
Experiment with AI-generated content, but ensure it maintains quality and relevance. AI can help generate ideas, automate reports, or even create some forms of content, but human oversight is crucial.

**47. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR):**
Explore how AR and VR technologies can enhance user engagement on your website. These technologies can create immersive experiences that keep users on your site longer.

**48. Strategic Internal Linking:**
Implement a strategic internal linking strategy to guide search engines and users to important pages on your website. Proper internal linking can help distribute link equity and improve page authority.

**49. Monitor Brand Mentions:**
Monitor online mentions of your brand using tools like Google Alerts. Engage with and request backlinks from websites that mention your brand but haven't linked to your site.

**50. AI-Powered SEO Tools:**
Consider using AI-powered SEO tools that can analyze your website, provide insights, and recommend optimization strategies. These tools often offer advanced capabilities for keyword analysis, content optimization, and competitive research.

**51. Amazon and eCommerce SEO:**
If applicable, optimize your product listings for Amazon and other eCommerce platforms. Amazon SEO is crucial for visibility within the platform and can significantly impact your product sales.

**52. Experiment with Video SEO:**
Optimize your video content for search engines. Use keyword-rich titles, descriptions, and tags, and encourage engagement through comments and shares.

**53. SEO for Progressive Web Apps (PWAs):**
If you have a PWA, ensure it's discoverable by search engines. Implement SEO best practices for PWAs to enhance visibility and rankings.

**54. Mindful Link Building:**
Focus on quality over quantity when building backlinks. Acquire links from authoritative and relevant websites, and avoid spammy or low-quality link-building practices.

**55. Regular SEO Training:**
Stay updated with SEO by regularly attending workshops, webinars, or courses. SEO is a dynamic field, and ongoing learning is essential for success.

Gaurav Singh

You can use 301 redirection where you will get 90 to 99% of link juice .


Best option use 301 Redirection for your website.

Source Page-
Destination Page-

Visit below url and and put your site on text box and get easily redirection.

you can apply manually code also and lots of plugin and tools available in online use for this.
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I am a 2 man company so I cannot even pay to have what I would call avery basic need for every business, i.e. being able to use its own domain name and its own email adresses.

Shikha Singh

you can redirect your old domain to new domain using HTTP response code. There are many different kinds of HTTP response code, the most familiar perhaps being 404 Not Found; web pages can respond with a 404 status but so can any other asset that we request, whether that's an image or any other kind of asset. Every HTTP response is categorized under a certain three digit number. We're interested in the 3XX category of HTTP response, like 301 Moved Permanently or 302 Found, because these are the status codes specifically set aside for redirects. In our case we'll use a 301 redirect because some web browsers or proxy servers will cache this type, making the old page inaccessible which, in this instance, is exactly what we want. There are many other redirection methods in HTML, and Java Scripts.