Is Google Rolling any Search Engine Update

Started by seoanubhavgarg, 11-01-2017, 05:21:58

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seoanubhavgargTopic starter

Hello to SEO community, from the last 3-4 days I am noticing a massive drop in the SEO ranking for most of my client's website. Is there any update Google is rolling these days?
Co-Founder & Director - MysticDigi, SEO Service in India & Data Entry Adroits
Founder & Director - Search Engine Stream


 I can tell you that Google does update its search algorithms regularly. These updates can sometimes cause fluctuations in search rankings. It is possible that your clients' websites may have been affected by one of these updates. To stay informed about the latest updates, I recommend following reliable SEO news sources and staying active in online SEO communities.

Here are a few more details about Google updates and how they can impact SEO rankings:

1. Core Algorithm Updates: Google releases major core algorithm updates several times a year. These updates aim to improve search results by rewarding high-quality, user-focused content. Websites that do not comply with Google's guidelines may see their rankings drop as a result of these updates.

2. Broad Core Updates: Broad core updates are significant updates that affect how Google's algorithm evaluates and ranks websites. They typically happen every few months and can cause noticeable changes in organic search rankings.

3. Specific Updates: In addition to broad core updates, Google also rolls out specific updates targeting particular aspects of search ranking. For example, the "Panda" update targeted low-quality or duplicate content, while the "Penguin" update focused on penalizing websites with unnatural link profiles.

4. Fluctuations in Rankings: It's worth noting that fluctuations in rankings can occur even without any official update. Google constantly refines its algorithms, resulting in minor changes in rankings regularly. These changes might not be as significant as those caused by major updates but can still impact search visibility.

To navigate through these updates, it is crucial to keep up with industry trends, adhere to Google's Webmaster Guidelines, focus on creating high-quality content, and continuously monitor your website's performance using tools like Google Analytics and Search Console.

Google is not exactly rolling out any update as such but the major Google Algorithm updates that were tolled oput recently were Google's Possum update, Fred Update and hawk Update which impacted local search results.


No Google update is necessary for this to happen.

When competing web pages reduce their bounce rate, or experience improved click-thru from Google, THEIR ranking might easily be improved enough to have them rank better than your client's web page. It's possible that another web site has simply added a new page/post to their site that naturally ranks better than your client's page - thus pushing your client's page down in the relative position in the results.
newbielink:http://"" [nonactive] | newbielink:http://"" [nonactive]


Quote from: alwaysprompt on 11-05-2017, 21:59:37
No Google update is necessary for this to happen.

When competing web pages reduce their bounce rate, or experience improved click-thru from Google, THEIR ranking might easily be improved enough to have them rank better than your client's web page. It's possible that another web site has simply added a new page/post to their site that naturally ranks better than your client's page - thus pushing your client's page down in the relative position in the results.

Bounce rate and click-thrugh rate are not ranking factors.


Other than the Google Fred update on March 8 2017, I am not aware of any other newer/more recent updates.  I also experienced the fluctuation with my website.  Everything has returned to normal now but what a ride it was.