When A Backlink Will Be Recognize By Google

Started by jaysh4922, 07-31-2015, 00:43:03

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jaysh4922Topic starter

Hi there, I have a question if you make a backlink today after how many days or weeks it will be recognize by google. thanks indeed.

Shikha Singh

Google recognise links as soon as possible. You can check you crawled links randomly by following "link: your website name.com" but this is just a simple step you can get an accurate result with google webmaster. This tool gives accurate result about how many links are crawled by the search engine.


Quote from: Shikha Singh on 03-03-2016, 06:21:11owing "link: your website name.com" but this is just a simple step you can get an accurate result with


is there a tool that can directly tell us all the backlink directly, and also inform us the quality  ?


Typically, it takes about 10 days to 4 weeks for Google to index a new backlink. However, this can vary greatly depending on various factors, including the quality of the website the backlink is on, the popularity of the website, the freshness of the content, etc.

Usually, more authoritative sites are crawled more often, so if you can get a backlink from a high-quality, popular website, Google might discover it faster.

While waiting for Google to recognize your new backlinks, you can help speed up the process by doing the following:

Sharing on Social Media: You can share the pages containing your backlinks on social media platforms. This way, Google's bots may find and index them faster.

Google Search Console: You can use the "URL Inspection" tool in Google Search Console to request indexing for the specific URL that contains your backlinks.

Remember, while the number of backlinks is a ranking factor, the importance of the quality of backlinks can't be overstated. A single link from a high-authority domain could be more beneficial than many links from low-quality sites. Also, excessive link creation in a short period can be viewed as spammy, potentially prompting penalties from Google.
In SEO, patience and consistency are key. Building a good backlink profile takes time, and results won't often be visible immediately.

Diversify your link sources: While getting multiple links from one high-quality site can be good, it's beneficial for your backlinks to come from a variety of sources. Google favors websites with diverse backlink profiles.

Avoid black-hat SEO tactics: Black-hat SEO includes tactics like buying links or engaging in link exchanges on a large scale. These can actually harm your site's ranking in the long run, as they violate Google's guidelines.

Create high-quality content: The best way to earn backlinks is by creating high-quality, unique content that other sites would naturally want to link to. This not only helps with backlinks but improves your website overall which increases traffic and therefore increases the chance of getting more backlinks.

Keep track of your backlinks: Monitor your backlinks to ensure they're still active, and that the sites linking to you are still reputable. Remember, a few high quality backlinks are often better than many low quality ones.

Stay patient and consistent: SEO is a long-term process. When you implement or update your backlink strategy, you won't see immediate results; it could take weeks, if not months, before you start seeing a significant improvement in your rankings and traffic.

Look for Guest Blogging Opportunities: One good way to earn high-quality backlinks is by writing guest posts on reputable sites in your industry. It not only helps you get backlinks but also increases the visibility of your website.

Broken Link Building: This technique involves finding relevant websites that have dead or broken links, then suggesting one of your own pages as a replacement. This can be a win-win situation: the website owner gets to fix a broken link, and you earn a backlink.

Skyscraper Technique: Created and named by Brian Dean of Backlinko, this tactic involves finding content in your niche that is already popular and widely linked to, creating something even better, and then reaching out to the right people.

Testimonials: Providing testimonials for products or services that you have used can be a good way to earn backlinks. Many brands like to showcase testimonials and might link back to your site.

Competitor Backlink Analysis: Analyze your competitors' backlink profiles to identify where their links are coming from. This can provide ideas for possible link-building strategies.

Engaging in relevant forums and communities: While being careful to avoid spammy practices, contributing useful and relevant information in forums and communities in your niche can raise your website's visibility and establish your credibility, which can indirectly earn you backlinks.

Infographics and Original Data: Both of these are highly shareable. When people share your infographics, they'll likely link to you. Similarly, original data and research in your blogs can earn you backlinks because other writers may reference your findings and link to you as a source.

Social Media: While the direct SEO value of social media links is often debated among marketers, there's no doubt that having a vibrant, active social media presence can help direct traffic to your site and increase your visibility, which in turn can lead to more natural backlinks.

Podcasts and Interviews: Similar to guest blogging, appearing on industry podcasts or interviews can give you the opportunity to reach a new audience and also possibly earn high-quality backlinks if your interview or appearance is posted online with a link to your site.

Business Profiles: Making sure your website is linked in all of your business profiles – including industry directories, social media profiles, and Google My Business – can be a simple way to gain more backlinks.

Educational Links: If you can provide high-quality educational resources, some academic institutions or educational websites might link to you as a resource. These are often high-value links.

Press Releases: When you have newsworthy information to share, issuing a press release can result in links from news organizations or industry blogs. However, it's important to note that this should be done sparingly and genuinely.

Creating a Blog: If you don't already have a blog, creating one and consistently posting quality content can help earn links naturally over time. You can cover topics that are relevant to your industry, share your expertise, and provide useful resources that others might want to link to.

Creating Tools/ Calculators: If it's applicable for your industry, creating free tools or calculators that people find useful can result in a large number of backlinks. For example, a mortgage calculator on a real estate site.