Why SEO Is Important For A Website ?

Started by jaysh4922, 10-05-2015, 01:26:29

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jaysh4922Topic starter

Search Engine Optimization is very important for websites published on the World Wide Web. People creating and publishing the sites to be viewed by the global population. Search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and so on are enabling the public to see your website or blog through searches, provided you have been Optimized the blog or site properly. Hope that you may got the idea.


I agree with rajan. If you sell your service online you definitely need SEO. But if you sell it offline, you don't have to focus on SEO as there are other, offline, techniques to market your product. Here's an article and slideshare that explains SEO and other online techniques for promoting tour service, as well as methods that you can use in the real world http://www.headchannel.co.uk/blog/post/how-increase-brand-awareness-recognition


Every business needs SEO. It is not only about the keyword ranking but, we are improving our online website presence through the SEO techniques. SEO is very helpful to engage the user with your website.


SEO is a process that helps to build your online identity. It helps to build your popularity in search engines and also ranks your keywords higher in search results.

Sap Solution

Because of SEO sites are always visible in organic searches and to maintain these searches regular work on the sites is required ?


SEO is a way to improve your website, when people search for your products or services obviously your website should be in search engines, by doing SEO you may get your website in top position in search engine.


An important aspect of SEO is making your website easy for both users and search engine robots to understand. Although search engines have become increasingly sophisticated, they still can't see and understand a web page the same way a human can. SEO helps the engines figure out what each page is about, and how it may be useful for users.
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Shikha Singh

An important aspect of SEO is making your website easy for both users and search engine robots to understand. Although search engines have become increasingly sophisticated, they still can't see and understand a web page the same way a human can. When people search for your products and services, you obviously want to appear as high in the search engine rankings as possible, but the reasons for this are more than just because you want them to click through to your website. In fact, there is a certain amount of value in simply appearing in search results for terms directly related to your business. For instance, most searchers don't just simply search once, click on some websites, and be done with it. Instead, they search, click on some websites, edit their search terms, search again, click on some websites, further hone their search terms, search again, and so on.
source: http://firstviewonline.com/why-seo-is-important-for-businesses/


In today's competitive market SEO is more important than ever. Search engines serve millions of users per day looking for answers to their questions or for solutions to their problems.  If you have a web site, blog or online store, SEO can help your business grow and meet the business objectives.

Search engine optimization is essential because:

The majority of search engines users are more likely to choose one of the top 5 suggestions in the results page so to take advantage of this and gain visitors to your web site or customers to your on-line store you need to rank as higher as possible.
SEO is not only about search engines but good SEO practices improve the user experience and usability of a web site.
User's trust search engines and having a presence in the top positions for the keywords the user is searching increases the web site's trust.
SEO is also good for the social promotion of your web site. People who find your web site by searching Google or Yahoo are more likely to promote it on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or other social media channels.
SEO is also important for the smooth running of a big web site. Web sites with more than one author can benefit from SEO in a direct and indirect way. Their direct benefit is increase in search engine traffic and their indirect benefit is having a common framework (checklists) to use before publishing content on the site.
SEO can put you ahead of the competition. If two web sites are selling the same thing, the search engine optimized web site is more likely to have more customers and make more sales.

