How to create search engine friendly blog name and URL?

Started by Walalayo, 08-13-2011, 02:33:37

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WalalayoTopic starter

Please tell me, how can I create a blog name in order to obtain higher search engine optimization results. If I use the space between words, so it reduces my blog search engine optimization. And how to create search engine friendly blog site. The name is good - PC Tips The name is good - PCTricksTips


By adding keywords and website URL with the keywords, we can create search engine friendly blog.


it's easy, you just use keyword as domain and URL name :D


To create a search engine-friendly blog name and URL:

Incorporate relevant keywords.
Keep it clear, concise, and memorable.
Avoid special characters and unnecessary words.
Use hyphens instead of underscores or spaces.
Choose a reputable top-level domain (TLD) like .com.
Ensure availability as a domain name and social media handle.
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