Treat your blog like a real business?

Started by corenicles, 06-24-2010, 01:32:35

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coreniclesTopic starter

Many bloggers keep blogging as a hobby, not a real business. Some bloggers treat their blogs like a real business to earn money successfully. And they did earn that much. At first, I think that a hobby is a hobby. Turning a hobby is not impossible, I know, other people get money from their photography hobby for instance. But, blog? It is different with selling printed books.


blogging can be seen as a unique blend of a hobby and a business. While some individuals start blogging purely as a hobby to share their thoughts and interests with others, others treat it like a real business and focus on monetizing their blog successfully. It's true that turning a blogging hobby into a lucrative venture can be challenging, but many bloggers have been able to do so through various methods such as affiliate marketing, sponsored content, or offering digital products or services. Unlike selling printed books, which involves physical production and distribution, blogging allows for more flexibility in terms of generating income online.

One advantage of blogging is that it allows individuals to create and share content easily and at a relatively low cost. Unlike traditional businesses, starting a blog requires minimal upfront investment, as there are various free or affordable blogging platforms available.

Moreover, blogs provide a platform for building an audience and establishing authority in a specific niche. By consistently providing valuable and engaging content, bloggers can attract a loyal following and gain credibility within their industry. This, in turn, opens up opportunities for collaborations, partnerships, and monetization.

Additionally, blogs have the potential to reach a global audience, allowing bloggers to tap into various revenue streams. These include advertising, sponsored posts, affiliate marketing (earning a commission for promoting products or services), selling digital products (e-books, online courses, etc.), offering coaching or consulting services, and more.

However, it's important to note that while some bloggers do generate significant income, the majority still treat it as a part-time endeavor or supplement to their main source of income. Success in monetizing a blog often requires continuous effort, strategic planning, and adapting to changing market trends. It may take time before a blog becomes profitable, and not all blogs will achieve substantial financial success.

In summary, blogging can be a financially viable endeavor for those who treat it as a real business and are willing to invest time and effort into growing their audience, creating valuable content, and exploring diverse monetization strategies.

If people were treating blogging as a real business they would be a People like me see that blogging is not for doing business...


If it's a personal blog it's really quite hard to turn it into a business. earning pocket money sure, but not a full fledged business.