Block malware on Facebook

Started by Ericblanc, 10-12-2016, 08:44:59

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EricblancTopic starter

Hello everyone,
How can I block malware on Facebook ?


Follow these steps which are given.
1. Be careful about what you click on. Be wary of links, ads, and posts from unknown sources.

2. Install anti-virus software on your computer and keep it up to date.

3. Regularly update your browser and operating system to the latest versions.

4. Don't open suspicious emails or messages.

5. Don't download attachments from people you don't know.

6. Don't click on suspicious links.

7. Use secure passwords and change them regularly.

8. Activate two-factor authentication.

9. Regularly log out of your Facebook account when you're not using it.

10. Check your account regularly for suspicious activity.