Did facebook changed their code?

Started by Carlitos, 01-30-2020, 09:38:07

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CarlitosTopic starter


I use facebook ads for quite some time now, and for the last two weeks it has a strange behavior.

For one of the pages, it is charing around 2,50 eur per message started.

For the other page, it always says that the potential number of people they will show the ad is <10

Talking with the ads support they say this is normal and that nothing changed.

Did this happen to someone?



Platforms such as Facebook are updating their whole algorithm day by day. so that might be very likely that they changed their code.


Contact your mobile service provider to make sure you're sending a text message (SMS) to the right number. Remove any signatures at the end of your text messages (SMS) which can interfere with Facebook getting those messages. Try sending On or Fb to 32665 (FBOOK). Wait 24 hours in case there's a delivery delay.


If you're receiving a text message with a code of numbers, it could mean someone is trying to access your account. We send confirmation codes when someone has login approvals turned on. Login approvals are a security feature similar to login alerts, but with an extra security step.