Facebook Chat Make It Slow?

Started by BaLanaR, 05-25-2010, 07:03:56

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BaLanaRTopic starter

Is it true that when we're using Facebook Chat while playing flash games, It'll make the page loads longer and slower.
Heard this from a friend's experience.


I think that depends on your net connection.
If your country support high-speed line, chat shouldn't give you any problems while browsing / playing games.


What I know is that it depends on the internet connection how fast is it but I just noticed that it does open slow facebook


I do not play games but i saw my little bro playing game and chatting with his friends simultaneously. I even tried it but had no problems. So as earlier said it all depends on your connection. 


I do not play this game, but at the same time my brother was chatting with a friend. I tried it, but there were no problems. Therefore, all connections had to rely on that front.