Changing SEO strategy

Started by transporter7, 05-03-2012, 10:30:16

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transporter7Topic starter

Hey guys...

I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate all of you giving us feedback as we go through this tough time with this Penguin update... Anyway, originally one of our SEO tactics was having custom written articles sent to various article sites and posted.  Since that a lot of them were scraped and ripped off and I believe affected our SEO greatly.  That being said, if we were getting blog sites to write an article about us, and put the link ONLY on that one blog page and the page over time gained a PR1 for example... would that help us even if afterwards someone ripped off the article?  Some blog sites are telling us to put the link on the blog roll so it is on every page, but my understanding is that would be a waste as if it is a site wide link it isn't going to receive any link juice.  So, doing a custom one page blog post on a site with just that single outbound link would be the best strategy from an SEO standpoint on blogs?


In changing your SEO strategy, make sure that you study first the content and niche of your site. Try to figure out first the problem of your site then fix it. Once you are done on that, try to experiment all the methods you know in link building then after a month, try to see what is the best method you have that gives better links and traffics in your site. then do it thos effective strategy you have.


True said by you. As posting same article on so many sites will create copy content issue. Also blogrolls with so many links are badly punished now a days


 In regards to your question, having a custom-written article posted on blog sites with a single outbound link can potentially help with your SEO. If the page gains a decent PageRank (PR1 in this case), it indicates some level of authority and can provide value to your website in terms of SEO.

However, it's important to note that if someone rips off the article, it may not have as much impact as the original post. Duplicate content can dilute the effectiveness of the links and may have a lesser influence on your SEO efforts.

As for the suggestion of putting the link on the blog roll, you are correct in your understanding. Site-wide links generally don't carry as much weight in terms of link juice compared to contextual links within relevant content. So a custom one-page blog post with a single outbound link would likely be more beneficial from an SEO standpoint.

Here are some additional tips to consider for your SEO strategy:

1. Focus on Quality Content: Creating high-quality, original content should be at the core of your SEO efforts. This content should be valuable and relevant to your target audience, encouraging them to engage with and share it.

2. Build Relationships with Influencers: Reach out to influencers and thought leaders in your industry and establish meaningful connections. Collaborating with them on content or getting them to share your content can help increase your visibility and attract more organic traffic.

3. Guest Blogging: Look for opportunities to write guest posts on reputable blogs within your niche. Ensure that you provide valuable insights and include relevant links back to your website. This can help drive targeted traffic and improve your website's authority.

4. Diversify Your Link Profile: Instead of relying solely on article sites or blog posts, aim for a diverse range of high-quality backlinks. This can include links from reputable websites, social media platforms, forums, and authoritative directories.

5. Monitor and Disavow: Regularly monitor your backlink profile to identify any low-quality or spammy links that may be harming your SEO. Use Google's Disavow Tool to disassociate your website from those toxic links.

6. Social Media Engagement: Engage with your audience on social media platforms. Regularly share your valuable content, respond to comments, and encourage discussion. This can help increase your brand visibility and attract natural backlinks.

7. Mobile Optimization: With the increasing use of mobile devices, ensure that your website is mobile-friendly and optimized for mobile search. This can positively impact your SEO rankings and user experience.

Here are a few more tips to enhance your SEO strategy:

1. Optimize On-Page Elements: Pay attention to on-page optimization factors like meta tags, headers, keyword usage, and URL structure. Make sure your content is well-structured and easy for search engines to crawl and understand.

2. Improve Website Speed: A fast-loading website not only enhances user experience but also plays a role in search engine rankings. Optimize your images, minimize code, and leverage caching techniques to improve your website's speed.

3. Leverage Local SEO: If you have a local business, optimize your website for local searches. Create a Google My Business listing, include consistent and accurate NAP (name, address, phone) information across directories, and generate positive reviews.

4. Utilize Structured Data: Implement structured data markup on your website to provide search engines with additional context about your content. This can help enhance visibility in search results, including rich snippets and knowledge panels.

5. Focus on User Experience: User experience is an increasingly important factor in SEO. Ensure your website is easy to navigate, mobile-friendly, and provides valuable, relevant content that satisfies user intent.

6. Monitor Analytics and Adjust: Use analytics tools like Google Analytics to track your website's performance. Monitor metrics such as organic traffic, bounce rate, and conversion rate. Make data-driven adjustments to your SEO strategy based on the insights gained.

7. Stay Up-to-Date with SEO News: SEO is a constantly evolving field, and staying informed about industry news, algorithm updates, and best practices is crucial. Follow reputable SEO blogs, forums, and newsletters to stay updated and adapt your strategy accordingly.


After the penguin update it is must for having the websites in existence.


Poor quality back-links is now scrape and can harm your site badly after penguin updates.I agre with you regarding your research about changing seo techniques...



In changing your SEO strategy, make sure that you study first the content and niche of your site. Try to figure out first the problem of your site then fix it. Once you are done on that, try to experiment all the methods you know in link building then after a month, try to see what is the best method you have that gives better links and traffics in your site. then do it this effective strategy you have.


Always change to SEO strategy to a SEO expert because Google and other search engine always update and  change their Search algorithm.
So we need to change my SEO strategy


latest SEO  techniques :
-In-Depth Topic Coverage
-Re-Optimizing Existing Content
-Linkable Asset Development And Promotion
-Content Experiments and Personalization