Dynamic vs static webpages

Started by manvbf, 10-13-2011, 02:09:55

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manvbfTopic starter

Does it take longer for dynamic webpages to be indexed into google? If so, how much longer vs a static html page. I have a cgi based website that seems to be taking its time getting indexed. I'm just curious if anyone else has noticed a difference.


well, static webpage is more important for SEO, i don't know how longer dynamic one is, but, i strongly advice to use a static one.
just because Google like it, it is the most important point, right? !-!


Web Page is a the page displayed when you access a URL on Internet. If the contents of the page are fixed it's a static page. And if the same URL is capable of displaying different contents like user,time,location etc then it is a dynamic page.


In static web pages, Pages will remain same until someone changes it manually. In dynamic web pages, Content of pages are different for different visitors. ... In static web pages, Information are change rarely. In dynamic web page, Information are change frequently.