Google’s Hummingbird Update - Result by Sense of Underrating the Real Meaning Of

Started by seooutsourcingindia2012, 10-02-2013, 06:58:42

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seooutsourcingindia2012Topic starter

The leading Search Engine Google has been completed 15 years on Thursday 26 Sept 2013. Part of this greatest event celebration they have announced that they rewrite search algorithm. It is the biggest announcement after 2009 (called Caffeine update) and it comes with name of "Hummingbird Update". The aim of this update is to return better results for search queries by sense of understanding the real meaning of raised queries.

Actually, if we think about the implementation of Hummingbird by Google then it is about a month ago. Google only announced the change today.

Why Google needs to go for this update?

When something in our mind to get more information the first thing comes in our mind is Google Search!!! Since the Google search started to return result for queries every time it works hard to give exact match as well as desired result for search. However, since few year people are getting search result but sometime they are not getting exact for which they are looking. As they are not any SEO professional so always typing queries in long way question and the return result is just based on some targeted keyword.... We all know the same keyword has two or more than two different means to search.

So, to return the result based on behind meaning of keyword Google comes with this update.

Moreover, this update will play key role to eliminate the bounce rate as well.

Where it is targeted?

As per the recent reports reveled for this algorithm, it is said by Scott Huffman, a key engineering director at Google currently working on natural language, told it is targeted to most of search queries related to smartphone.

Nowadays, the numbers of people are in boom that using Smartphone to get a search result for their raised queries.  It is the fact that to return the most related answer for reaching terms in the handset is more complicated. However, this Hummingbird is designed to deal with this kind of Smartphone based searching responds.

Easy to understand example of Hummingbird:

Example: 1

When a user is looking for "shop to buy Pizza"

For this query if user searched before Hummingbird then he would get list of sites that surrounding by "Buy Pizza" "shop Pizza"
However, this update let you to get result for this search term like name of the shop that deliver the pizza online as well as pickup. Moreover, you will be listed sites which have offers for some deal of pizza order.

Example: 2

When a user is looking for "weight loss prescription"

For this query, if user searched before Hummingbird then he would get list of sites that surrounding by different drugs only; however, this update let you to get result about drugs, treatment, locations to get it and many more.

Means, this update clearly deal with returning result for the exact meaning of the query instead of just following only meaning of keyword.

Key role of Hummingbird:

The current role of Hummingbird includes covering knowledge graph, as well as natural language interpretation.
Don't misunderstand that this update is replacing the keyword search. It is not replacing but actually it speeding up the route of search with use of natural language processes; means it understands conversational search or speech. Definitely it will take long time to get on proper track but it will that the fact.

In conclusion we would like to say that Hummingbird focuses on semantic search which will play key role in driving SEO on the right path.  Moreover, this is designed to deal for more sense concern to semantic language and understanding the meaning behind search terms.

Terry McCune

This is a very useful information and also I would like to appreciate your writing skills. Because you have framed this information with so much excellence that it is looking very attractive.

Jason Bowden

This is well illustrated information about this update,very well explained with the real examples of scenarios we have seen and we will see. Really appreciate you for sharing.
newbielink: [nonactive]