My keyword tags are coming in URL and is also ranking

Started by Ezhilan, 12-15-2019, 23:43:02

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EzhilanTopic starter

I am using the wordpress theme and here the tags are automatically coming in URL and is generating a new URL.


Sometimes the keywords are also coming in the place of tags.

What can i do, whether it is good to redirect or some other solutions are there

eSage IT

If you want to remove the tags from the URL structure in your WordPress theme, you have a few options. One solution is to modify the permalink structure settings in your WordPress dashboard. By changing the structure to exclude tags, you can create more simplified and cleaner URLs.

To change the permalink structure, you can go to "Settings" in your WordPress dashboard and then select "Permalinks." From there, you can choose a different structure that does not include tags. For example, you can use the "Post name" option, which generates URLs based on the post's title.

Alternatively, if you want to keep tags but prevent them from automatically generating a new URL, you can consider using a plugin or custom code to manage the redirect. This way, you can have more control over the URLs and ensure they align with your desired structure.

If you want to remove or change the tags in your WordPress URL for SEO purposes, there are a few more things you can consider.

1. Use a SEO plugin: Yoast SEO or All in One SEO Pack are popular plugins that offer advanced features to manage the structure of your URLs. These plugins allow you to customize your permalinks, including removing or modifying the tags.

2. Modify the theme files: If you have coding knowledge, you can edit your theme's template files to modify the way tags are displayed in the URL. This requires making changes to the theme's code, so it is advised to create a child theme before making any modifications.

3. Use canonical URLs: Canonical URLs are an HTML element that tells search engines which version of a particular URL you want them to consider as the original or preferred version. By adding canonical tags to your pages, you can indicate that you prefer a specific URL for indexing while letting search engines know that alternative versions of the page, such as those with tags, should be consolidated under the preferred URL.

If you're looking for alternative solutions to address the issue of tags appearing in your WordPress URLs, here are a few more options:

1. Use a plugin like Permalink Manager: This plugin allows you to customize and manage your permalinks, including removing or modifying tags. It gives you granular control over the structure of your URLs, making it easier to create cleaner and more SEO-friendly links.

2. Create custom taxonomies: Instead of using tags, you can create custom taxonomies that categorize your posts in a more organized manner. This way, you can assign specific terms to your posts without them appearing in the URL. It requires some technical knowledge to set up, but it offers more flexibility and control over how your content is categorized.

3. Use redirection plugins: If you already have URLs with tags indexed by search engines or linked externally, you might want to consider using a redirection plugin like Redirection or Simple 301 Redirects. These plugins allow you to redirect old URLs with tags to new URLs without tags, preserving any SEO value and maintaining a smooth user experience.

Here are a couple of additional options you can consider:

1. Exclude tags from the URL using custom code: If you're comfortable with coding, you can modify your theme's functions.php file or create a custom plugin to exclude tags from the URL structure. This involves hooking into the `term_link` filter and modifying the generated URL for tags. You can find code snippets and tutorials online that provide guidance on how to achieve this.

2. Manually set the URL for each post/page: WordPress allows you to manually set the URL (also known as the slug) for each post or page. By editing the post or page, you can change the slug to remove or modify the tags portion of the URL. This approach gives you full control over the URL structure, but it can be time-consuming if you have a large number of posts or pages.

Remember to always back up your website before making any changes and thoroughly test any modifications to ensure they work as expected. Additionally, it's important to consider the SEO implications of removing or modifying tags in URLs and monitor the impact on your organic search traffic.

Sometimes the keywords are also coming in the place of tags.

-- This happens because you might be using keywords in your blog tags. Whenever we add a new tag in WordPress, it creates a new page for that tag.

What can I do, whether it is good to redirect or some other solutions are there

-- You can use the YOST tool in your WordPress and remove the tags from your sitemap. In this way, your tags will get index.