Removal of Link from social sites ?

Started by franklins, 01-21-2013, 03:08:30

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franklinsTopic starter

Hello friends ,
We are well known about link building.
I want to know that after how much time our link removed by social sites ?

James Andy

The duration for which a link remains active on social sites can vary depending on several factors. In some cases, it may be removed relatively quickly, whereas in others, it may stay active for a longer period of time. It is generally recommended to follow the guidelines provided by the specific social site you are using to ensure that your links remain active for as long as possible. Additionally, engaging with the community and providing valuable content can increase the chances of your links being maintained.

While there isn't a specific time frame for how long links remain active on social sites, there are a few factors that can impact their longevity:

1. Site Policies: Each social site has its own set of rules and policies regarding link sharing. It's important to understand and follow these guidelines to avoid having your links removed. Make sure you're familiar with the terms of service and community guidelines of the specific platforms you're using.

2. User Engagement: If your links receive a high level of engagement, such as likes, shares, and comments, they are more likely to stay active for longer periods. Engaging content that adds value to the community is more likely to be shared and appreciated.

3. Spam Detection Algorithms: Social sites have algorithms in place to detect and filter out spammy or low-value content. If your links are flagged as spam or violate any community guidelines, they may be removed quickly.

4. Content Relevance: Ensure that your links are relevant to the topic or discussion at hand. Irrelevant or self-promotional links are more likely to be reported or removed.

5. Platform Updates: Social sites frequently update their algorithms and policies. This means that what might have been acceptable in the past may now be considered spammy or against the platform's guidelines. Keeping up to date with the latest updates from the social site can help you understand any changes that may affect your links.

6. Reporting and Flagging: If other users find your links to be inappropriate, spammy, or in violation of community guidelines, they may report or flag them. This can result in your links being removed by the social site. Therefore, it's important to ensure that your content is high-quality, relevant, and compliant with the platform's guidelines to minimize the chances of being reported.

7. Account Reputation: The reputation of your social media account can also impact how long your links remain active. Accounts with a history of high-quality, engaging, and non-spammy content are more likely to have their links trusted and allowed to stay active for longer periods.

It's worth noting that different social sites have different policies and practices regarding link removal. Some platforms may have stricter guidelines and quicker removal processes than others. It's always recommended to familiarize yourself with the specific rules and guidelines of the social site you're using to get a better understanding of their link removal practices.

Well, it depends on your quality if social sites are think that this is useful for others then it can not remove any of your link.


Why do you think that Social Media sites would remove your link from your profiles or updates? unless you are not breaking any guidelines or indulging in illegitimate activities like pоrn or prostitution then There is no way they would remove your links.


Don't remove social links unless it doesn't harm any guidelines.