What’s the difference between internal and inbound links?

Started by european, 01-26-2016, 23:16:21

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Internal Links are the pathways and lobbies and small paths connecting your various rooms with one another. Say the passage between the drawing room and the bedroom; the path from the bathroom to the balcony.

Inbound Links: It's the roads whcih leads to your house. There can be different roads from different directions, which can help a person to reach your house.

Internal links connect different webpages within your website, and Inbound Links are those backlinks which are directed towards your website from other websites.


Internal Link is point to another page in your site.
Inbound link is from another site that point to your site.
That's it!

Anuj Kumar

Internal Link is point to another page in your site. They are commonly used in main navigation while, Inbound link is from another site that point to your site. Inbound links are commonly known as "back links" are the links pointing to your site


Internal links are links on a page on your site that go to another page  on your site.An internal link is a type of hyperlink on a webpage.

Inbound links are other websites that link to your content. Both are  valuable for SEO.Inbound links were originally important as a primary  means of web navigation, today their significance lies in search engine  optimization (SEO).


Internal and inbound links is the most important part of SEO campaign. Inbound link is a link that points from an external source such as blogs or from the social networking sites to the website.whereas,internal link is a link from one internal page of website to another. This both works for building a trust factor with the search engine.

Kate Evans

Inbound links are those links which are coming to our website from another website. These links are known as backlinks. Internal links are the links that go from one page on a domain to a different page on the same domain.