Yahoo and Google ranking so differently..main factors?

Started by linavi390, 02-02-2012, 01:25:28

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linavi390Topic starter

I noticed Yahoo and googles search positions are very different. Does anyone know the biggest factors that determine these differences?


As per me There are many differences between them. Thy have different algorithms for ranking, different SEO items, they are different companies and they have different terms and conditions of operations.


That's because they are two different companies with different algos running in their backend!
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yahoo is indeed lazy in terms or ranking as compared to Google .Also Ranks in google appears faster in Google than yahoo.


No two individuals are unique and in the same way no two search engine rankings are unique.


They've different algorithms for ranking, different SEO items, they are different companies and they have different terms and conditions of operations.
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They are two different companies with different algos running in their backend!
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no !!  they are two huge companies working differently and have different algorithm so the results  are different


Yahoo and Google  have different algorithms for ranking, different SEO items, they are different companies and they have different terms and conditions of operations.