Advanced Link Building

Started by maddy58, 02-06-2012, 21:27:02

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maddy58Topic starter

What is link velocity?

This refers to how quickly you gain backlinks. For best results, maintain a consistent link velocity.

Most importantly don't build a load of backlinks (especially with fast indexation techniques) and then stop. Google sees this as a news article that was interesting for a short period of time but no longer relevant so stops ranking it. "Too many links" or "links built too fast" are rarely a problem but inconsistency is.

Can I build links too fast?

Yes and no. If you've got a brand new domain name and you fire up some of the more powerful link spamming automation software you'll get you domain flagged quicker than you can say, "help me my site is gone".

If you're building links manually or controlling your usage of serious spam software you'll be hard pushed to build links too fast on any domain that's already been aged a bit. Just be consistent.

If you think you can build links too fast on any site here's an experiment for you next time you're having a slow weekend. Go out and buy the fastest, spammiest link building software you can lay your hands on and pick a Wikipedia article that currently ranks quite well. Go nuts. All you will do is strengthen its position.

What is page rank sculpting?

There are various techniques available to channel link juice through the links you actually want to receive it and thus rank them higher. In theory Google has corrected this but several experiments have shown this isn't the case, although the actual PR passed through the links no longer gets affected.

What is a link wheel?

A link wheel refers to setting up multiple pages on multiple third-party websites (usually at least five) as a means of getting backlinks to your main site.

You link these properties to each other, but not reciprocally. For example, you link your EzineArticles article to your Squidoo page, then link your Squidoo page to HubPages... and so on. Finally, you link each of these third-party pages to your main site.

By using sites with a ton of content (and other SEOs backlinking them) you're naturally tapping a bigger seem of link juice. Take advantage of this by writing high quality content for them so human beings follow the links as well since they will rank alongside your money site.

What is a mininet?

This is like a link wheel, except that you own all the sites that you're linking together. You may link together a series of smaller niche sites, with each smaller site linking to your main site.

What makes a good site for a link wheel?

Web 2.0 properties and other websites that have a high Page Rank. The best ones are sites which you get a page that will be automatically linked to from all over the site. Article directories like EzineArticles are perfect for this since you get tons of internal links to kick things off with.

What is link bait?

This means "baiting" others into linking to your site. Typically, this means posting unique, controversial, extremely useful or otherwise entertaining content or tools so that others naturally link to your web page.

In other words, you create and post viral content.

What is a link farm?

Link farms consist of large networks of sites whose sole purpose is to generate pages that can be used to link out to other sites that are actually worth something.

They are pretty much essential to rank for more highly competitive keywords but don't attempt this unless you really know what you are doing. Google is smarter than you!

Social Media Optimization


Some fantastic examples of link bait or embedding links in bait can be seen all over the internet; of my favorites is a web-site that offers free customizable PHP feedback forms. The form, the PHP script and use for both personal or commercial endeavor is free, but they ask that you keep the link on the form to the forms as creator. A amazing way to get links and iits at no expense to the people using the form.
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Thanks for shared over a great techniques. Mostly I prefer forum posting, blog commenting and social bookmarking. I feel like that i will use your techniques. Hope it will be very useful to me.


Link wheel and link bait is good techniques to generate backlink and traffic on website but link farming is technique of black hat SEO and search engine is consider it as form of spamming. Link farming process may be harmful for website.


Link farms are considered black hat SEO tactics and are frowned upon by search engines. They are designed to manipulate search engine rankings by artificially inflating the number of backlinks to a website. However, search engines like Google have become increasingly sophisticated in detecting and penalizing link farms, so using them can result in severe consequences for your website's rankings. It is always better to focus on creating high-quality content and acquiring organic backlinks from authoritative sources.

Link farms are typically created by individuals or organizations with the intention of boosting the search engine rankings of their websites. They often consist of low-quality, spammy websites that exist solely for the purpose of generating links to other websites. These links are usually irrelevant and have little to no value to users.

Search engines like Google consider link farms to be a form of spam and actively work to identify and penalize websites associated with them. When search engines detect a website engaging in link farming, they may lower its rankings or even remove it from search results altogether.

Link farms often employ tactics such as reciprocal linking, where websites link to each other in exchange for backlinks. This practice is seen as manipulative by search engines because it doesn't reflect genuine endorsements or relevant connections between websites.

In the past, link farms were more prevalent and could temporarily boost a website's rankings. However, search engines have become much better at detecting and penalizing these schemes. They now use complex algorithms that can differentiate between natural, high-quality backlinks and artificial, spammy ones.

The consequences of engaging in link farming can be severe. Search engines may impose manual penalties, such as deindexing or demoting the website in search results. These penalties can be difficult to recover from and can significantly impact organic traffic and online visibility.

Instead of resorting to link farms, it's advisable to follow ethical SEO practices. This involves focusing on creating valuable, relevant content that naturally attracts links from reputable sources. Building relationships with other websites, participating in guest blogging, and promoting your content through social media are effective strategies for earning organic backlinks.

Link farms often involve creating a large number of websites and interlinking them in an attempt to manipulate search engine rankings. These websites typically have very low-quality content, are irrelevant to each other, and exist solely for the purpose of increasing backlinks.

Search engines use sophisticated algorithms to identify link farms and other manipulative link-building practices. They look for patterns such as excessive reciprocal linking, unnatural anchor text, and an unusually high number of links pointing to a website from low-quality sources.

Engaging in link farming can result in severe consequences for your website's rankings and visibility in search results. Search engines may impose manual penalties or algorithmic changes that specifically target such practices. Recovering from these penalties can be a long and difficult process.

Instead of using link farms, it's better to focus on building high-quality backlinks naturally. This involves creating valuable, shareable content that encourages other websites to link to you because of its relevance and usefulness. Building relationships with authoritative websites in your industry and earning backlinks through guest blogging, influencer outreach, and content promotion are more effective and sustainable strategies.


Link Building is more useful for getting a good quality of backlink. These backlink help you to increase your page rank of the website. It is also helpful in getting more traffic to your website.
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Link wheel and link bit is good techniques to produce back-link and traffic on web page but link gardening is strategy of black hat SEO and internet search results is consider it as form of new spamming. Weblink gardening process may be dangerous for web page.

Dennis Zocco

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