Contextual advertising

Started by jaysh4922, 11-02-2016, 00:28:57

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jaysh4922Topic starter

Contextual advertising is a form of targeted advertising for advertisements appearing on websites or other media. The advertisements themselves are selected and served by automated systems based on the content displayed to the user.


He ads themselves are chosen and served via robotised frameworks in view of the personality of the client and the substance contextualisation promoting is a type of focused publicising in which the substance of an advertisement is in direct connection to the substance of the page the client is review.


Contextual advertising is a concept different than normal paid inclusion. Where methods such as pay per click and other links appear on search engine results pages, contextual advertising campaigns place banners and links on web-pages that have a contextual relationship to the product or service being sold.


 Contextual advertising is targeted advertising that typically occurs on a banner or pop-up ad on a website.


Contextual advertising is a type of targeted advertising that takes keywords and content of the web page into consideration when displaying ads instead of user behavior.