How to sort out new added backlinks ?

Started by MartinL, 02-07-2017, 02:16:19

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MartinLTopic starter

I have some competitors with many 1000 backlinks and it's hard for me to find the new backlinks they has received after I do an update/rebuild . Is it possibly to sort out the new backlinks so that they are easy to find ?


In this case we would recommend assigning tags to already existing backlinks in the project.
Please, follow the link below to learn how to add tags: ... tware.html

And after the analysis if new backlinks were found you'll see them after you sort by tag.
All the new backlinks will not have any tag.


You can use AHREFS and  go for referring Domains, then New, and u can go back to 60 days to see the news backlinks ordered by "power".

Note to admin : maybe one day u ll let me speak on this forum?
Samuel Hounkpe, seo consultant.


Yes, it's possible to sort out new backlinks acquired by your competitors after an update or rebuild. Here's a general approach you can follow:

1. **Regular Backlink Monitoring:** Use a backlink monitoring tool like Ahrefs, Moz, SEMrush, or Majestic to regularly track your competitors' backlinks. These tools provide features to monitor changes in a website's backlink profile over time.

2. **Set Up Alerts:** Within these tools, set up alerts for your competitors' domains. You can specify criteria such as new backlinks, lost backlinks, or changes in their backlink profile. This will notify you whenever there are updates.

3. **Analyze New Backlinks:** When you receive alerts about new backlinks, review them in detail. Look for the source of the backlink, the quality of the referring domain, and the anchor text used. This can help you assess the impact of these new links on your competitors' SEO.

4. **Compare with Your Own Backlinks:** To gain insights, compare the new backlinks your competitors are acquiring with your own backlink profile. This can help you identify gaps and opportunities for link building.

5. **Focus on Quality:** Remember that not all backlinks are created equal. Pay attention to the quality of the backlinks your competitors are getting. High-quality, relevant backlinks have a more significant impact on SEO.

6. **Keep an Eye on Their Content:** Sometimes, new backlinks are a result of your competitors publishing fresh and valuable content. Monitor their content strategy as well to understand how they attract links.

7. **Backlink History**: Some tools provide a historical view of a website's backlinks. This feature allows you to see the progression of their link-building efforts over time. It can help you identify patterns and trends in their backlink acquisition strategy.

8. **Competitive Analysis**: Conduct a thorough competitive analysis to understand how your competitors are attracting backlinks. Look at their content strategy, outreach efforts, guest posting, partnerships, and social media presence. This can reveal valuable insights into their link-building tactics.

9. **Keyword Analysis**: Analyze the keywords and topics that are driving backlinks to your competitors' content. This can help you identify content gaps in your own strategy and create content that attracts similar links.

10. **Link Outreach**: If you identify high-quality backlinks that your competitors have acquired, consider reaching out to the same websites or influencers with a similar value proposition. Explain why your content or product is valuable, and you may be able to secure similar backlinks.

11. **Monitor Social Signals**: Sometimes, backlinks are shared on social media before they are indexed by search engines. Monitor your competitors' social media channels for mentions of their new content and backlinks.

12. **Stay Updated with Industry News**: Be aware of industry news and events that might lead to your competitors acquiring new backlinks. For example, if there's a conference or event related to your niche, they might gain coverage and backlinks from it.

13. **Utilize Link Building Tools**: Consider using link building tools like BuzzSumo, Pitchbox, or NinjaOutreach to streamline your outreach efforts and discover potential link-building opportunities.

14. **Reverse Engineer Their Strategy**: Investigate the types of content and pages on your competitors' websites that are attracting the most backlinks. Try to understand why those specific pieces of content are successful. It might be due to their uniqueness, depth, or the way they solve problems in your industry.

15. **Use Advanced Search Operators**: Google's advanced search operators can help you find specific backlinks to your competitors' sites. For example, you can use `` to see all pages linking to your competitor. Combine this with other operators to narrow down your search.

16. **Competitor Link Intersect**: Some SEO tools offer a "Competitor Link Intersect" feature. This allows you to identify websites that link to multiple competitors but not to your site. It's a great way to find link-building opportunities.

17. **Analyze Anchor Text**: Look closely at the anchor text used in backlinks to your competitors. It can reveal insights into the keywords they are targeting and the type of content that attracts links. This information can help you refine your own content and anchor text strategy.

18. **Explore Broken Link Building**: If you notice that your competitors have backlinks to content that no longer exists (resulting in 404 errors), you can reach out to the linking websites and suggest replacing those broken links with links to your relevant, high-quality content.

19. **Competitor's Referral Traffic**: Analyze your competitors' referral traffic to see which websites are sending them the most visitors. This can help you identify potential link-building opportunities on sites that are already sending traffic to your niche.

20. **Track Link Velocity**: Monitor the rate at which your competitors are acquiring new backlinks. Sudden spikes in backlink acquisition could indicate a successful content promotion campaign or outreach effort that you may want to emulate.

21. **Deep Link Analysis**: Instead of just looking at their homepage, dig deeper into the internal pages of your competitors' websites that are attracting backlinks. This can give you insights into their content strategy beyond the homepage.

22. **Competitor's Brand Mentions**: Look for mentions of your competitors' brand names online. These mentions might not always include a backlink, but you can reach out to the authors or website owners to request that they add one.

23. **Link Velocity and Patterns**: Analyze the pace at which your competitors are gaining backlinks. Sudden spikes or unusual patterns might indicate a specific campaign or event that led to increased backlinks. Understanding these patterns can help you plan your own campaigns strategically.

24. **Competitor's Link Quality**: Not all backlinks are equal in value. Evaluate the quality of the websites linking to your competitors. Look for authoritative domains and industry-relevant sources. Focusing on high-quality links can be more beneficial than sheer quantity.

25. **International Competitors**: If your competitors have an international presence, it's essential to track backlinks specific to different regions or languages. This can help you tailor your strategy for global or local SEO.

26. **Content Gap Analysis**: Identify gaps in your competitors' content that you can fill. Create content that addresses topics or questions that haven't been adequately covered in your niche. This can attract backlinks from websites looking for fresh and valuable resources.

27. **Track Unlinked Brand Mentions**: Use tools like Google Alerts, Mention, or BrandMentions to monitor when your competitors are mentioned online without a direct link. You can then reach out to the mentioning websites and request they turn these mentions into backlinks.

28. **Competitor's Link Building Outreach**: Keep an eye on your competitors' outreach efforts. They may be reaching out to influencers, bloggers, or webmasters for guest posting or link-building opportunities. You can leverage this information to identify potential targets for your outreach.

29. **Local SEO Backlinks**: If your business has a local presence, focus on tracking your competitors' local backlinks. These can include citations in local directories, reviews on platforms like Yelp, and mentions in local news sources.

30. **Competitor's Top-Performing Pages**: Identify the pages on your competitors' websites that attract the most backlinks and organic traffic. Analyze these pages to understand the elements that make them successful and consider creating similar, but even more valuable, content.

31. **Disavow Low-Quality Backlinks**: Keep an eye on your competitors' backlink profiles for low-quality or spammy links. If you notice such links pointing to their site, they may be vulnerable to Google penalties. You can choose to disavow similar links to protect your own site's SEO.


Ahref is best tools for backlink research, organic traffic research, keyword research, content. New tools and features are added every week. you could find out where your competitors are getting their backlinks and reverse-engineer their link building.

Lauren Shawn

Usually I use SE Ranking to check the backlinks. The tool allows tracking backlinks and their basic parameters, moreover I can sort, filter and export the results received. So if I want to see the newest links I simply use Backlink found date filter. What I like about it, it works without connecting to Google Search Console and doesn't require any links lists to be imported.

MartinLTopic starter

download ringtone:


Tracking backlinks from the past should be attempted using spreadsheets, after that, check backlinks from the present to the past.