Is it safe to use multiple exact keywords?

Started by makoo, 09-27-2021, 09:09:55

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makooTopic starter

Hello everyone,
I'm considering doing the same for a lot of my articles, but I need to be sure that this won't be considered as "spamming" or "keyword stuffing" in the eyes of Google if I use exact keywords match.


Targeting multiple keywords does not mean having to stick them all into your title. The main title of your content should have an H1 tag, and it should have one main keyword. The H1 tag helps search engines know what your main title and topic are but remember they're getting better and better at understanding intent.


You should use your exact match (or very closely related) keyword or phrase in your H1, in at least one H2 and a few times in your content. Just don't overuse it. Don't add it 40 times in a 700 word article. 2 or 3 times per 1000 words should be fine. Just make sure it makes sense when you add it.

You can also use related version of it. So, if you write an article on 'best apple phones', you should use related phrases like best phones from Apple, top Apple cellphones, hottest Apple phones this year, etc.

If you use something like AHREFS or SEMrush, it should be pretty easy to find the most closely-related keywords, phrases and questions.
newbielink: [nonactive]


Exact match keywords allow you to reach prospects searching only for the specific keyword you're bidding on or close variants of that keyword. Bidding on exact match keywords allows you to exercise tight control over your advertising budget, giving you a better ROI on your ad investment.