Link Building will be Died

Started by Roy Milson, 01-28-2016, 00:07:08

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Roy MilsonTopic starter

Hello folks,

Yesterday, I was just reading an article about link building and Google real time penguin update. After coming real-time penguin 4.0 algorithm link building will be died. :o

Your comment are welcome. 


Link building will never be dead as it helps to build your website strength in search engine. They are responsible to rank keywords in search engines and also generate good traffic to your domain.

Andrew Patrick

The release of the real-time Penguin 4.0 algorithm by Google did bring significant changes to how links are assessed. With this update, Google now devalues spammy links in real-time instead of penalizing entire websites. This means that the importance of high-quality, relevant, and natural link building has increased. While some old link-building tactics may be less effective, it doesn't mean that link building is dead. Building high-quality links that provide value to users is still important for improving search engine rankings and driving organic traffic. It's crucial to stay up to date with Google's guidelines and focus on creating a diverse and natural backlink profile.

Link building is still an important aspect of search engine optimization (SEO). While the real-time Penguin 4.0 update did change how Google evaluates links, it didn't render link building obsolete. Instead, it emphasized the significance of quality over quantity when it comes to links.

In the past, some SEO practitioners resorted to manipulative tactics like buying links or participating in link schemes to artificially inflate their rankings. With the real-time Penguin update, these spammy practices are now devalued and may even result in penalties.

Nowadays, it's crucial to focus on natural and relevant link building strategies. This includes creating high-quality content that naturally earns links from authoritative websites. Building relationships with other website owners, industry influencers, and bloggers can also lead to valuable link opportunities.

points on link building and the impact of the real-time Penguin 4.0 update:

1. Quality Matters: The emphasis on quality is more important than ever. Instead of focusing solely on the number of links, prioritize the quality of the websites linking to you. Links from reputable and relevant sources are far more valuable than a large quantity of low-quality links.

2. Natural Linking: Google now values natural linking patterns that occur organically, rather than manipulative tactics. This means that earning links through genuinely engaging content, outreach efforts, and building relationships is crucial.

3. Diverse Backlink Profile: A diverse backlink profile with a mix of different types of links (such as editorial links, guest posts, social media links, etc.) is important. This helps demonstrate the natural growth of your website's authority and increases its credibility in the eyes of search engines.

4. Monitor and Disavow: It's important to monitor your link profile regularly and disavow any suspicious or spammy links. This can be done through tools like Google Search Console or other SEO software. By disavowing harmful links, you're ensuring that they don't negatively impact your website's rankings.

5. User Experience Matters: While not directly related to link building, it's worth noting that user experience plays a significant role in SEO. Focus on creating a positive user experience on your website by improving site speed, mobile-friendliness, and providing valuable, easily accessible content. This, in turn, can indirectly help improve your website's visibility and attract natural links.

6. Anchor Text Diversity: With the real-time Penguin update, it's important to diversify your anchor text. Instead of relying heavily on exact match anchor text, use a natural mix of branded terms, partial matches, and generic phrases. This helps avoid over-optimization and signals to search engines that your link profile is natural.

7. Content Marketing and Link Building: Content marketing and link building go hand in hand. By creating high-quality, engaging content that provides value to your target audience, you increase the likelihood of earning organic links. Focus on creating shareable content that naturally attracts attention and encourages others to link to it.

8. Social Signals: While the direct impact of social signals on SEO rankings is debated, having a strong social media presence can indirectly contribute to link building. When your content gets shared and discussed on social media, it increases its visibility and the chances of attracting organic links from other websites.

9. Local and Niche Link Building: For businesses targeting specific geographical areas or niche markets, local and niche link building strategies can be highly effective. Engage with local communities, participate in industry-specific forums or blogs, and consider partnerships with local businesses or organizations. These efforts can lead to relevant, authoritative backlinks.

10. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation: The SEO landscape is constantly evolving, and it's important to stay up to date with algorithm changes and industry trends. Regularly monitor your website's performance, track your backlink profile, and adapt your link building strategies accordingly. This allows you to identify potential issues, make adjustments, and ensure your link building efforts are aligned with current best practices.

11. Guest Blogging: Guest blogging can be an effective strategy for both building relationships and earning high-quality backlinks. By contributing valuable content to reputable websites in your industry, you can showcase your expertise and generate exposure for your brand. Ensure that the guest blogs offer genuine value and are not solely focused on link building.

12. Thought Leadership and PR: Establishing yourself or your brand as a thought leader in your industry can attract natural links. Share your insights through interviews, podcasts, webinars, or industry events. This can help build your reputation and increase your chances of being referenced and linked to by others in your field.

13. Broken Link Building: Broken link building involves finding broken links on other websites and offering your own content as a replacement. This can be an effective way to earn relevant backlinks, as you're providing a solution to a problem while also benefiting from the link.

14. Monitor Competitor Backlinks: Analyze the backlink profiles of your competitors to identify potential link opportunities. If they have acquired links from reputable websites, you can reach out to those same sites with a similar value proposition to secure similar links for your own website.

15. Local Directories and Citations: For local businesses, getting listed in reputable local directories and citations can provide valuable backlinks and boost local SEO efforts. Ensure consistency in your Name, Address, and Phone number (NAP) across all directories to maintain credibility.

16. Earning Mentions and Reviews: Encourage happy customers to leave reviews and mention your brand online. Positive reviews and brand mentions can lead to natural links and improve your website's reputation.

17. Link Reclamation: Conduct regular audits of your website's backlinks to identify any broken or lost links. Reach out to the website owners and request that they update the link to point to the correct URL. This can help regain valuable backlinks that may have been lost over time.

18. Influencer Outreach: Identify influencers in your industry and build relationships with them. Collaborate on content, interviews, or guest posts. When influencers share and link to your content, it can significantly boost your website's visibility and authority.

19. Resource Page Link Building: Look for resource pages on websites related to your niche. These pages often curate and list helpful resources for their audience. Reach out to the website owners and suggest your own valuable content as an addition. This can result in relevant, high-quality backlinks.

20. Internal Linking: Don't overlook the power of internal linking within your own website. By strategically linking relevant pages within your site, you can help search engines better understand the structure and relevance of your content. Additionally, it can lead to increased user engagement and improved website navigation.

21. Industry Associations and Organizations: Joining industry associations or organizations can provide opportunities for networking, collaboration, and potential link building. Many associations have member directories or resource pages where you can showcase your expertise and earn backlinks.

22. Content Syndication: Consider syndicating your content on reputable platforms or industry-specific websites. While the content may appear on multiple sites, ensure that the canonical tag is used to attribute the original source. This can help drive traffic to your website and potentially earn backlinks from those who discover your content through syndication.

23. Stay Informed and Adapt: SEO is a dynamic field, and algorithms and best practices can change over time. Stay informed about the latest trends and guidelines from search engines like Google. Continuously adapt your link building strategies to align with current SEO practices for optimal results.

24. Social Bookmarking: Utilize social bookmarking platforms to share and bookmark your content. This can increase the visibility of your content and potentially attract natural links as users discover and engage with your content.

25. Infographics and Visual Content: Create visually appealing and informative infographics or visual content related to your industry. Share them on your website and reach out to relevant websites or bloggers who may be interested in featuring or linking to your infographics.

26. Participate in Industry Forums and Communities: Engage in online forums, communities, and discussion boards relevant to your industry. Provide valuable insights, answer questions, and participate in conversations. This can help establish your expertise and authority, leading to potential link opportunities.

27. Skyscraper Technique: Identify popular and successful pieces of content in your industry and create even better versions of them. Reach out to websites that have linked to the original content and offer yours as a more comprehensive or updated resource. This technique can help you earn high-quality backlinks.

28. Multimedia Content: Create multimedia content such as podcasts, videos, or webinars. These formats are highly shareable and can attract links from different sources.

29. Follow Google's Guidelines: Stay updated with Google's guidelines on link building practices and avoid any tactics that violate those guidelines. This includes avoiding paid links, excessive link exchanges, and link schemes that aim to manipulate search engine rankings.

30. Monitor and Analyze Results: Regularly monitor the performance of your link building strategies. Analyze the impact of your efforts on search engine rankings, organic traffic, and conversions. This data will help you identify what works and what doesn't, allowing you to refine your approach over time.

31. Local Link Building: If you have a local business, focus on building links from locally relevant websites such as local directories, local news sites, and community organizations. This can help improve your visibility in local search results and attract local customers.

32. Monitor Brand Mentions: Keep track of mentions of your brand or website across the internet. If people are talking about your brand without linking to your website, reach out to them and kindly ask if they could include a link. This can help you turn unlinked brand mentions into valuable backlinks.

33. Be Active on Social Media: Build a strong social media presence and actively engage with your audience. Share your content, interact with followers, and participate in industry discussions. This can create opportunities for others to discover and link to your content.

34. Utilize PR and Press Releases: Distribute press releases and reach out to relevant media outlets and journalists. If your story or announcement gets picked up, it can result in valuable backlinks and media coverage.

35. Broken Backlink Building: Search for broken links on high-authority websites in your industry. Reach out to the website owners and notify them about the broken link, and suggest your own content as a replacement. This can help you gain valuable backlinks from reputable sources.

36. Monitor Competitor Mentions and Backlinks: Keep an eye on your competitors' brand mentions and backlinks. If your competitors are mentioned or linked to, there might be an opportunity for you to reach out to the same sources and request similar mentions or backlinks.

37. Scholarship Programs: Consider setting up a scholarship program related to your industry. Many educational institutions and websites have pages dedicated to listing scholarships. By offering a scholarship, you can receive backlinks from these sources while also supporting education.

38. Create Linkable Assets: Develop valuable resources, guides, research, or tools that others in your industry would find helpful and link-worthy. By creating linkable assets, you increase the chances of attracting natural backlinks from authoritative websites.

39. Testimonials and Reviews: Provide testimonials or reviews for products or services you use or recommend. In many cases, the website where you provide the testimonial will include a link back to your website.

40. Build Relationships: Networking and building relationships with influencers, bloggers, and industry experts can lead to link opportunities. Engage with them through social media, attend industry events and conferences, and collaborate on content or projects.


I agree with RH-Calvin. It will never die because it is a way to improve Google search result. I know most of the previous SEO link building techniques are not in use and changed to latest techniques.


Quote from: Roy Milson on 01-28-2016, 00:07:08
Hello folks,

Yesterday, I was just reading an article about link building and Google real time penguin update. After coming real-time penguin 4.0 algorithm link building will be died. :o

Your comment are welcome.

Dear Roy Milson,

I'm sure, quality link building never dies.
As far as you build links gradually and steadily and  get them with different,
unique anchor texts & different keywords you`re on the right way.
DA40-DA100 Contextual Backlinks [nofollow]


Link building as a relationship between one with others, it not only to jointly develop more powerful but also the masses , promote mutual effects. If a day there's not linking, Your strength will be isolated , you will be hard to stand in the marketplace