Tracking visitors through link building efforts

Started by Walalayo, 10-25-2011, 01:39:53

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WalalayoTopic starter

I would like to monitor the effectiveness of a link building campaign in terms of number of visitors from each stage of the campaign.

Comparing using http referrer is going to be a time consuming exercise. I can assign each stage of the campaign a unique tracking code to place on the query string, however this is hardly visually friendly. Other thoughts were to link to a 301 that could then monitor the request, but this smells like an abuse and could hamper the other benefits of link building.

Any suggestions and / or how do you monitor link building efforts in terms of traffic generation?


i think you can track your visitors through RSS. not sure though.


There are many ways to track a Unique Visitor like cookies, IP address, ISPs and so on.


Simple you can make use of Google Analytics to track your visitors. For this you need to install the Google Analytics code in your website.