Do Not Out Source

Started by donotoutsource, 02-16-2012, 02:20:20

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donotoutsourceTopic starter

We're back!   You might have been wondering where we've been. We needed to get Prashant to stop his attacks on us for a bit, so we pretended that we were going to pay his extortion fee. Except, he didn't call it an extortion fee, he called it a "settlement" to stop his attacks. We bargained him down from $150,000 to ONLY $80,000.   Hey, Prashant, when you need to pay someone to STOP attacking your company, to STOP posting false and malicious information on the web, to STOP you from posting lies on scam sites pretending to be ripped off customers, THAT IS CALLED EXTORTION. In any country, in any court of law.
Some people have visited this website and think that we are attacking India as a country. That is simply not true. We asked the authorities in the Indian government to stop and arrest this criminal. But, when the Indian government saw that we were not attacking Prashant (as Prashant had led them to believe), they simply dropped the case and stopped answering our calls. So, the pages on this site are filled with evidence of Prashant, an Indian citizen, attacking a company in the USA, and the Indian government ignoring it. This website is a testament to the dangers of doing business with India, as India has deemed it not worth their time to pursue a criminal, even though he has cost an American company hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost sales.

Some people are also asking us why Prashant Telang was attacking us so hard... that somehow we MUST have done something that warranted it. The answer is a very strong NO. We didn't do anything to warrant these attacks. In fact, Prashant himself seems to be confused why he is attacking us as well: http://hа   You can easily see that Prashant finds it more important to make more false claims and unsubstantiated rumors then to admit the truth that he has NO reason to attack us except to extort a huge fee from us.

And finally, some people are asking us how we know all of these attacks and false posts are from Prashant. That is easy to answer:
1.)    When we pretended to agree to pay him his extortion fee, ALL posts for that month ended.  There were no lies about NSC posted on any forums or blogs that entire month.
2.)    As soon as he figured out he would not be paid, he immediately began posting more false content on the web, including today's post on
3.)    He gleefully sends us links to all the posts he makes on the internet to show how happy he is to try and ruin our reputation.
4.)    The lies he writes on these posts are completely ridiculous. He will mention he is from Arkansas, but misspell the state.  Or he will claim he is from there, but his account profile says otherwise.  He will state that he bought a $4,000 ring from NSC, only to have it appraised for $400 (we are constantly checking daily that our sapphires are all natural. To even claim that a sapphire is fake is just too ridiculous a statement for anyone to believe).
5.)    Of ALL the posts that show up on the internet... ALL of them started appearing last year.
Basically, Prashant is hoping for us to lose sales on potential customers who just glance at reviews and get scared off by his posts.. The smart customers.. the ones who we have sales from, all have easily seen past his ruse.

The amount of posts are now ridiculous.. Remember, before last year, there were ZERO links like this:


If someone has done this with you it doesn't mean that everyone will do like this.