Is Lack of Focus Getting in the Way to Your Success?

Started by Zekecamusio, 09-08-2011, 07:13:39

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ZekecamusioTopic starter

I have a severe case of ADD. If I'm not doing a thousand things at a time, I feel the strong need to find more stuff to do. However, this is a really bad trait and I'm working really hard to change it. These are three short stories of how my lack of focus undermined my success.

My Video Production Company
A lot of our clients needed videos made so I decided to start a video production company. The plan was always to partner with a professional video producer, but I wanted to learn more about the industry, so I started reading books, taking classes on video editing and analyzing our competition.

Two weeks later I lost a really big client in my main business (my Internet marketing agency) because I completely neglected her and she didn't give me a second chance. I lost a $15,000/month contract for wasting time learning skills I didn't even need.

So I decided to let my partner run the business and I now send him clients. I still own half of the business, but I spend only an hour a week working on it. Is it making as much money as it would if I were running it full time? Probably not, but you only have so many hours a day and you have to use them in whatever moves you farthest toward your goal.

Training Our New Salesman
In January we got a lot of great leads so we decided to hire a new salesperson. I normally spend two months training every new hire, but I had a lot on my plate at that moment and only spent two weeks with him.

His performance was less than impressive and I realized it was because I didn't spend enough time training him. Sales was our top priority at that point and I was spending zero time working on it. Stupid, right? If something is your top priority, you'd think that's what you'd spend most of your time on, right?

I decided to delegate a bunch of smaller tasks and focus on training my new hire. His closing ratio doubled in only three weeks.

Traveling Around Asia
When I was 20 I was running an e-learning company and traveling around Asia at the same time. This normally wouldn't be a problem, as I travel a lot, but I didn't have good systems in place or a good team that could take care of things while I was gone.

I couldn't enjoy my trip because I was constantly worried about work and my company wasn't growing because I wasn't focused on it. Looking back at this, I should have created great systems and hired one or two great employees, train them for a while and slowly transition out of the company.

I tried to do two things at once and didn't do either one well.

Do you struggle with staying focused, too? Would you mind sharing how you deal with it?


Lack of focus can indeed be a significant obstacle to success in various aspects of life, including work, personal goals, and relationships. Here are some ways in which a lack of focus can hinder success and tips on how to overcome it:

Reduced Productivity: When you can't maintain focus, your productivity suffers. You might find yourself easily distracted or constantly switching between tasks, which can lead to incomplete or poorly executed work.
Tip: Create a structured daily schedule, set specific goals for each day, and prioritize tasks. Use techniques like the Pomodoro Technique to work in focused bursts with short breaks.
Missed Opportunities: Lack of focus can cause you to miss important opportunities or overlook critical details that could contribute to your success.
Tip: Practice mindfulness and train your mind to stay in the present moment. Mindfulness meditation can help improve your ability to concentrate.
Procrastination: A lack of focus often leads to procrastination, as it's easier to delay tasks when you're not fully engaged.
Tip: Break tasks into smaller, manageable steps, and set deadlines for each step. Reward yourself upon completion to create a positive reinforcement loop.
Poor Decision-Making: When you're not focused, you may make hasty or ill-informed decisions, which can have negative consequences for your success.
Tip: Take the time to gather information, weigh your options, and make decisions deliberately. Consider seeking advice from trusted mentors or colleagues.
Stress and Burnout: Constantly battling distractions and struggling to focus can lead to increased stress and burnout, which can hinder your overall success and well-being.
Tip: Practice stress management techniques, such as regular exercise, deep breathing exercises, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
Strained Relationships: Lack of focus can impact personal relationships, as it may lead to neglecting important people in your life or failing to give them the attention they deserve.
Tip: Allocate dedicated time for your loved ones and practice active listening when engaging with them. Communicate openly about your challenges with focus so they can understand and support you.
Skill Development: Focusing is essential for skill development and mastery. Without it, progress in your chosen field or hobby may be slower than desired.
Tip: Set aside consistent, focused practice time to hone your skills. Consider seeking guidance or taking courses to improve your abilities.
Goal Achievement: Lack of focus can lead to goal-setting but not goal achievement. You may have aspirations, but without the ability to concentrate on the necessary steps, success may remain elusive.
Tip: Break your long-term goals into smaller, actionable tasks and create a plan to tackle them one at a time. Monitor your progress regularly and make adjustments as needed.
Remember that improving focus is a skill that can be developed over time with practice and the right strategies. It's essential to identify the specific causes of your lack of focus and tailor your approach accordingly. Seek support from professionals or resources if needed, and be patient with yourself as you work toward greater success through improved focus.


Great info here, thanks for sharing your experiences.
Lack of focus can be a significant obstacle on the path to success. By identifying priorities, setting clear goals, and implementing effective time management strategies, it is possible to regain focus and achieve desired outcomes. Developing mindfulness techniques and eliminating distractions can also contribute to enhanced productivity and overall success.
If you feel that you can't focus well even after having a rest and sleeping well, it is better to address a doctor. Sometimes we need to take vitamins or even more serious meds. But don't self-treat, it can be dangerous. At least check the description online (I use the Canada Drugs site for this purpose) to find out the needed dose, contraindications, and precautions.