How many times We can use H1 Tag in Home Page content?

Started by Paresh shrimali, 01-13-2014, 05:02:14

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For your query, use H1 tag only once in a page.

H1 tag is now important or not? It is still a confusion and many webmasters have different perception on it. And with the hummingbird update that is purely based on user experience one can say that H1 is still important. As it totally depends on what user is in search. And if you place the correct keyword according to the users intent then you will surely gain some importance.


As per Google Guidelines H1 taq should be used only once and H1 taq is that Which tells Search Engine whats the Below Content is All About. H1 taq should be Used very carefully as its Play an important role in Seo ranking.


as per web page content rule, one page has one topic & topic should be placed with H1 tag.
So H1 tag should use only one time per page.


H1 Tag can be used only once in a webpage. This indicates Keyword OR term with highest priority. Rest of the header tags can be used as many times. H1 tag should differ from others & hence it is used only once.
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