Penguine Updates

Started by Rogers11, 05-07-2012, 01:49:18

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Rogers11Topic starter


I have done On Page Optimization for my website Please anybody give your suggestions for my website On Page Optimization is correct or not.


You have done great on page seo. Every thing like title, description is correct.


Quote from: Rogers11 on 05-07-2012, 01:49:18

I have done On Page Optimization for my website Please anybody give your suggestions for my website On Page Optimization is correct or not.

Great work mate!
I'm pretty impress that you had followed penguin update and optimize accordingly. Before working on Off-page optimization I strictly request to follow and check what exactly the penguin update is all about. To prevent your site from penalization.


Textual sitemap and Search Engine sitemap are missing. If you are doing On page than those site map is Very important, and you have to add that Search engine sitemap in the Robots.txt otherwise its worthless. So add it in to your site.
Web Development India


Hello Rogers
I would like to inform that I have visited your site and analyze it. Your website has not sitemap and unique content. So, I suggest you please re-modify your content and use Sitemap also. A sitemap is a list of pages of a web site accessible to crawlers or users.... ;)


 The Google Penguin Update launched on April 24. Google mentions that typical black hat SEO tactics like keyword stuffing would get a site in trouble, but less obvious tactics would also cause Penguin to flag your site. Many webmasters and bloggers report that the new updates have penalized genuine and original content while many spam websites still rank high in search results.


Such a wonderful post. Thanks for the share. It was very interesting and informative.


The search engines Penguin replace is really a rule label for the The search engines protocol replace. This replace is actually aimed towards lessening search engine ranking positions of internet sites which violate Google's Webmaster Rules by making use of currently proved black-hat SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION strategies, like search term stuffing, cloaking participating in website link plans, deliberate generation of identical content material, and the like.


Taking a broader look at Multinational SEO does brings up particular issues for the big brand sites out there, though; and, in light of the recently launched Penguin 2.0 update, I thought it would be useful to look at particular areas of concern for big site SEO. If you're a big brand owner, then you've likely dealt with the impact from Penguin 1.0 and its updates in the past. In particular, you may have discovered that your legacy backlink profile was causing serious ranking issues.