Sub directories

Started by googinup, 07-07-2012, 01:02:23

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googinupTopic starter

Does setting default pages for sub directories improve seo?


Google usually limits the number of search results per domain, unless they are very relevant but this doesn't apply to sub domains. In other words, if you had a domain with sub directories and you have 10 relevant results, most likely Google will show only 2 or 3 of them, while if you had 5 sub domains, chances are 2 or 3 results per sub domain will be shown. However, don't take this for granted and don't rush to sub domaining just to trick Google to show more results  from oyur site - this might not work and you will have wasted your time and effort!
And another advantage of sub domains for SEO is that you can put your keywords as sub domain names.


Can you write more datails?