Are my internal links visible to google?

Started by 35kus, 11-22-2013, 17:55:09

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35kusTopic starter

Hi Guys,

I hope you can help me out. My website designer says it is not an issue, but I think otherwise. I have a new website which consists of a home page and several sub pages. Somehow the links menu from index.html is called for all the sub pages as well (I believe the term may be bootstrap). The link structure looks fine to the end user on all the pages, but my main concern is that it may be invisible to google. For example, if I go to any of the sub pages and look at the source code, the coding for the links menu is not there. Furthermore, if I use the w3c link checker on the sub pages, it doesn't find the links. Am I correct in assuming this is an issue for my internal linking?

I'd link to post the link to the website so you can get an idea of what I mean, but I think that may be breaking the forum rules (please let me know if I can).

Thanks in advance :-)


If you have a link that takes you to the index page, then it is a link. May be the way the link is formatted, you are unable to find in the source code. Try to use a small keyword from the link and search.

Mall of Style


Web practitioners from assorted disciplines may accept altered agreement for this, but I anticipate this is a appellation that's able-bodied accepted in the SEO 'community' and beyond.
internal bond refers to any links from one folio on a area which advance to addition folio on that aforementioned domain.

This can accredit to the capital armpit navigation, like the links you see aloft this commodity to our sections on SEO, PPC.


 Was that on the index.html page or one of the subpages? It shows up fine on the home page, but not on any of the other pages.
