Bad Backlinks?

Started by sangan1161, 03-02-2016, 18:07:50

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sangan1161Topic starter


What exactly are "bad backlinks"? and why does Google penalize a site for having these "bad backlinks"?

Surely it should not be my problem if a bad website has links to my site?

Thanks in advance.
cong ty newbielink: [nonactive] giá rẻ. newbielink: [nonactive]


Bad links refer to backlinks that are built from irrelevant domains and spam webpages. Link coming from duplicate content and link farms are often considered as bad backlinks for your website.


Hello Friends,

A bad backlink is a link that comes from a not-so trusted website. Since the Penguin algorithm change in 2012, Google has been crаcking down on bad links. Before Google launched the Penguin algorithm, websites were violating Google Webmaster Guidelines with black hat SEO.

Thanks & Regards


Bad backlinks are the backlinks for the domains with irrelevant content, that are referring to your website.This effect your website and keyword rankings badly.


Bad backlinks, or low-quality backlinks, is a topic that is often mentioned in the intake form of our reviews. Web sites that have made the mistake of hiring some shady SEO company to buy bad backlinks from their website and have lost almost all their rankings often turn to us for a proper analysis of the drop. Although buying bad links might give you short-term wins, it will backfire in the end; when Google finds out. Unnatural links indicate that your website might not have the quality or content to be interesting enough to get proper backlinks on its own. At the end of this article, we'll mention a way to get great backlinks without buying any.


Hi, I learn it right now! So, I can tell you, that Google is now assesing every link it stumbles across. The first check is whether or not it is a do-follo link. When a link is marked as no- follow, Google bots  move on and do not count it as a backlink. This is often used by blogs or forums that would to encourage discussion without drawing in spam. No-follow links are great for bringing in direct traffic but meaningless for SEO purposes!


Bad backlinks are those that Google and other search engines consider as unnatural.  It could ne inbound links from sites with a lower ranking than that of your site and who are are not always associated with high traffic, accuracy or quality. Managing your links must be an important part of SEO, but it can be time  consuming. But fortunately, there are a few things you can do to avoid some bad links: you have to make sure that you only link back to sites that are researched thoroughly, have a high-quality and that are relevant to your site, when you are engaged in link building;  you should avoid link exchanges with websites thta host explicit or spam-my content; learn to identify and remove bad links with the help of Google Webmaster Tools.