Complex H1

Started by Kins, 08-21-2015, 11:13:29

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KinsTopic starter

Hello, I have a question about h1

Let's take an example:

We have this in one page (wihtout a lot of text => ex. a Portfolio).

"Welcome on [my domain]"
"Welcome, i'm webdesigner and integrator and i love art direction"

(this example is a little silly but it's just example to see => first sentence = no keyword, second, = keywords important)

What should i do?

1) logic:

<h1>Welcome on [my domain]</h1>
<h2>Welcome, i'm webdesigner and integrator and i love art direction<h2>

But all the KW are in h2!!

2) no hierarchy logic

<h2>Welcome on [my domain]</h2>
<h1>Welcome, i'm webdesigner and integrator and i love art direction<h1>

3) super h1 super long

<h1><span class="grand">Welcome on [my domain]</span><br />
<span class="petit">Welcome, i'm webdesigner and integrator and i love art direction</span><h1>

4)span then h1

<span class="grand">Welcome on [my domain]</span>
<h1>Welcome, i'm webdesigner and integrator and i love art direction<h1>

5)other ideas?


Here are a few suggestions based on your example:

1) Logic:
You can use an h1 tag for the main heading, since it represents the most important heading on the page. For the second sentence, you can use a different tag, such as h2 or h3, depending on the importance of the content.

<h1>Welcome on [my domain]</h1>
<h2>Welcome, I'm a web designer and integrator, and I love art direction</h2>

2) No hierarchy logic:
If both sentences hold equal importance, you can use the same heading tag for both, such as h1 or h2.

<h1>Welcome on [my domain]</h1>
<h1>Welcome, I'm a web designer and integrator, and I love art direction</h1>

3) Super h1 super long:
While it is possible to use a single h1 tag for both sentences, having a long heading is not recommended. It's better to keep your headings concise and relevant.

4) Span then h1:
Using a span tag within an h1 tag can provide additional styling options while maintaining the hierarchy.

<h1><span class="grand">Welcome on [my domain]</span></h1>
<h1><span class="petit">Welcome, I'm a web designer and integrator, and I love art direction</span></h1>

5) Other ideas:
You can experiment with different combinations and variations of the above ideas to find the best fit for your specific scenario. Ultimately, it's important to strike a balance between clear hierarchy, keyword inclusion, and descriptive headings.

6) Multiple h1 tags:
In HTML5, it is acceptable to have multiple h1 tags on a page. If both sentences are equally important and represent the main headings of different sections, you can use multiple h1 tags.

<h1>Welcome on [my domain]</h1>
<h1>Welcome, I'm a web designer and integrator, and I love art direction</h1>

7) Use classes or IDs:
If you want to distinguish the two sentences visually but maintain the hierarchy, you can assign different classes or IDs to the headings and style them accordingly using CSS.

<h1 class="main-heading">Welcome on [my domain]</h1>
<h2 class="sub-heading">Welcome, I'm a web designer and integrator, and I love art direction</h2>

8) Semantic structure:
Consider using semantic HTML tags to provide a clear structure to your content. For example, you can use a combination of h1, h2, and p tags to organize your content.

  <h1>Welcome on [my domain]</h1>
  <h2>About Me</h2>
  <p>Welcome, I'm a web designer and integrator, and I love art direction</p>

9) Combination of h1 and h2:
If you want to emphasize the main heading while still including relevant keywords in a subheading, you can use a combination of h1 and h2 tags.

<h1>Welcome on [my domain]</h1>
<h2>Welcome, I'm a web designer and integrator, and I love art direction</h2>

10) Descriptive h1 with keyword-rich h2:
If the second sentence includes important keywords, you can prioritize them by using an h1 tag for the first sentence and an h2 tag for the second one.

<h1>Welcome on [my domain]</h1>
<h2>I'm a web designer and integrator who loves art direction</h2>

11) Use different heading levels for emphasis:
If you want to prioritize both sentences but give more importance to the second one, you can use higher heading levels for the second sentence.

<h2>Welcome on [my domain]</h2>
<h1>Welcome, I'm a web designer and integrator, and I love art direction</h1>

12) Use descriptive subheadings:
Instead of trying to fit all the keywords into a single heading, you can break it down into smaller, more descriptive subheadings.

<h1>Welcome on [my domain]</h1>
<h2>Meet the Web Designer and Integrator with a Passion for Art Direction</h2>

13) Combine h1 with paragraph tags:
If the second sentence is more like a brief introduction or description, you can use an h1 tag for the main heading and wrap the second sentence in a paragraph tag.

<h1>Welcome on [my domain]</h1>
<p>Welcome, I'm a web designer and integrator, and I love art direction.</p>

14) Utilize a rich snippet format:
Consider using a rich snippet format such as JSON-LD or microdata to provide structured data about your content. This can help search engines better understand the context and relevance of your headings.

15) Experiment with different variations:
Feel free to experiment with different variations and combinations of heading tags to find what works best for your specific content and design. Remember to prioritize clarity, hierarchy, and keyword inclusion when making your decisions.

16) Use a single h1 tag and emphasize keywords:
You can use a single h1 tag for the main heading and add emphasis to the important keywords within that heading.

<h1>Welcome on [my domain]</h1>

17) Incorporate subheadings for additional context:
If you want to provide more context or additional information, you can use h2 or h3 tags as subheadings.

<h1>Welcome on [my domain]</h1>
<h2>About Me</h2>
<p>Welcome, I'm a web designer and integrator, and I love art direction.</p>

18) Utilize a combination of heading tags and paragraphs:
You can use a combination of heading tags and paragraph tags to provide a clear structure and hierarchy of information.

<h1>Welcome on [my domain]</h1>
<h2>About Me</h2>
<p>Welcome, I'm a web designer and integrator, and I love art direction.</p>

19) Consider using semantic HTML:
Semantic HTML tags such as `<section>`, `<article>`, or `<div>` can also be used to provide structure and context to your content.

  <h1>Welcome on [my domain]</h1>
    <h2>About Me</h2>
    <p>Welcome, I'm a web designer and integrator, and I love art direction.</p>


Nicely explained. The explanation given by you is in detail!
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