Difference between exit rate and bounce rate...?

Started by seoinheritx, 11-22-2012, 03:51:05

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seoinheritxTopic starter

Bounce rate is the percentage of people who leaves a particular website just after visiting a single page on this and exit rate refers to the percentage of people who leaves from a particular page.


Exit-         left the particular web  page  of a website.
Bounce-  left whole website after reading a webpage.


The Bounce Rate is the percentage of bounced visits to your site.A bounce is calculated as a single-page view or single-event trigger in a session or visit.The following situations qualify as bounces:
-    A user clicks on a link deep into your site sent by a friend, reads the information on the page, and closes the browser.
-   A user comes to your home page, looks around for a minute or two, and immediately leaves.
-    A user comes directly to a reference page on your site from a web search, leaves the page available in the browser while completing other tasks in other browser windows and the session times out.


Different between exit rate and bounce rate are follow
Bounces are always one page sessions.
Exits may have viewed more than one page in a session.


Bounce Rate is extremely important for determining how your landing pages perform as compared to visitor expectations.Exit Rate is more important for determining which page in a process isn't performing up to expectations


Different between exit rate and bounce rate are follow:
Bounces are always one page sessions.
Exits may have viewed more than one page in a session.

Smith Jones

Hello friends,

BOUNCE Rate is the percentage of visitors that hit your website on a given page and don't visit any other pages on your site. EXIT Rate is the percentage of visitors that leave your site from a given page based on the number of visits to that page.

Thanks a lot
Smith Jones


Bounce rate is something when visitors visit your site and bounce back without even visiting any other pages. Exit rate is page specific. If a visitor exits from any of the pages (includes pages which the visitor might have navigated to from the landing page), then the pace at which this takes place is called exit rate.
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Exit rate tells you how many people leave your site from a particular page.
Bounce Rate is the percentage of single-page visits to total visits of a certain Dimension.


Bounce rate means the user is visiting the website and if he don't find the useful information he leaves the website and been recorded the bounce rate.and the Exit rate means the customer is spending the appropriate time to gain the information and it is counted as Exit rate.
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