How to optimize breadcrumb navigation

Started by xiaolanzhuji, 02-06-2018, 01:02:18

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xiaolanzhujiTopic starter

  How to optimize breadcrumb navigation?

  With the continuous adjustment of the search engine algorithm, the website optimization scheme is constantly changing, considering the optimization work in the late stage of the website, ignoring the construction in front of the station can not optimize a website.

  The website's early construction and later website optimization have been closely combined, which can maximize the website ranking and bring the natural flow of the website.

  Here I share with you a classic plan for website optimization: breadcrumb navigation.

  Breadcrumb navigation ACTS as a classic optimization scheme in website optimization, especially its role, such as the construction of electronic nameplate website, using breadcrumb navigation, the main function is:

  1. In order to enable users to clearly browse the page location while browsing the website, it is convenient for users to return to the upper level menu, which is in line with the user experience;

  2. From the perspective of website optimization, the design idea that conforms to the user experience is conducive to the optimization of the website, as well as the ranking of certain keywords.

  Bread crumbs navigation (BreadcrumbNavigation) this concept comes from the fairy tale Hansel and Gretel, walking through the forest when Hansel and Gretel, accidentally lost, but they found along the way through and the bread crumbs, let the bread crumbs to help them find the way home, so the bread crumbs navigation role is to tell visitors to their current position in the website and how to return.

  Breadcrumb navigation is a flattening of the tree structure, can be the most straightforward display site structure, this both for users to browse and search engine crawl is very favorable.

  For small sites such as our electronic nameplate, bread crumbs navigation can be better will be the weight of website main keywords lock on the front page, to facilitate electronic nameplate enterprise website weight concentration.

  There are three types of breadcrumb navigation:

  1. Path type: path breadcrumb is a dynamic display of the user's access to the page;

  2. Position type: the position type bread crumbs are fixed, showing the position of the page in the website structure;

  3. Attribute type: the classification information of the current page given by the attribute bread crumbs.

  Breadcrumb navigation in the bottom of the navigation, generally in the form of general for the front page of the directory name "secondary directory name, current position, as far as possible to the level of the breadcrumb navigation control within the four layers, so that is good and the search engine spiders climbed down, layers below four layers is difficult to climb.

  So on the electronic nameplate website bread crumbs I try to keep it in three layers, generally not more than four.

  For the electronic nameplate enterprise website, the structure of internal links is very important.

  Like the pyramids, the first tier of pages should collectively support their top level.

  So breadcrumb navigation should focus on the level of the site rather than browsing history.

  In addition to levels, breadcrumb navigation may also display attribute labels.

  So what do you notice about breadcrumb navigation?

  From the design of the electronic nameplate enterprise station, the following points are summarized:

  1. Use text for links to breadcrumbs. Do not use images or JS.

  2. As far as possible, the word "homepage" can be changed into the name of the website, and the details should be paid attention to.

  3. The breadcrumb navigation is not the most important part of SEO, but it also has its role. SEO is to do the details, and whoever catches the details will catch the ranking.

  Adding breadcrumb navigation is essential, and breadcrumb navigation is great for user experience (UEO) to help users navigate and jump quickly.

  Breadcrumb navigation is also great for search engines (SEO), which can help make quick fixes and jumps.

  So, adding breadcrumb navigation to your site is very good for UEO and SEO.


Optimizing breadcrumb navigation involves making it clear, concise, and easy to understand for users. Here are a few tips to optimize breadcrumb navigation:

1. Use a "Home" icon or text: Including a home button at the beginning of the breadcrumb trail allows users to quickly navigate back to the homepage.

2. Keep it simple: Breadcrumbs should be concise and easy to follow. Limit the number of levels in the hierarchy to avoid overwhelming users.

3. Use descriptive labels: Each breadcrumb should clearly indicate the page it represents. Use descriptive labels that accurately reflect the content of each page.

4. Separate segments: Separate breadcrumb segments with a symbol such as a forward slash (/) or a greater than sign (>), making it easier for users to differentiate between levels.

5. Make it clickable: Ensure that each segment of the breadcrumb trail is clickable, leading users back to the corresponding page.

6. Provide a visual hierarchy: Use visual cues like font size, color, or indentation to indicate the hierarchy and make it visually understandable.

7. Test and iterate: Regularly test your breadcrumb navigation with real users to identify any usability issues and make necessary improvements.

8. Implement responsive design: Ensure that your breadcrumb navigation is responsive and adapts well to different screen sizes and device types. This will help maintain usability for users on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.

9. Consider the placement: Typically, breadcrumbs are placed near the top of the page, either above or below the main navigation menu. Test different placements to see what works best for your specific website and user flow.

10. Use schema markup: Implementing schema markup can help search engines understand the breadcrumb navigation and display it in search results, enhancing both SEO and usability.

11. Customize for context: Depending on the type of website and content structure, you may need to customize your breadcrumb navigation to suit different contexts. For example, for an e-commerce site, you might include categories, subcategories, and product pages in the breadcrumb trail.

12. Provide a clear way to go back: In addition to the breadcrumbs themselves, include a clear "Back" button or link that allows users to go back to the previous page or level in the hierarchy.

13. Monitor analytics: Regularly analyze the usage and behavior of users interacting with your breadcrumb navigation. Pay attention to any patterns or issues that can help you further optimize its effectiveness.

14. Use consistent terminology: Ensure that the labels used in the breadcrumb trail are consistent with the page titles and other navigation elements on your website. This helps avoid confusion and enhances usability.

15. Consider accessibility: Ensure that your breadcrumb navigation is accessible for users with disabilities. Follow best practices for web accessibility, such as providing clear text labels, proper color contrast, and keyboard navigation support.

16. Implement dynamic breadcrumbs: If your website has dynamically generated content or a complex hierarchy, consider implementing dynamic breadcrumbs that update based on the user's journey. This ensures that the breadcrumb trail always reflects the current context.

17. Integrate breadcrumbs into your site architecture: Structure your website's information architecture in a way that aligns with the breadcrumb navigation. This helps users understand the relationship between pages and navigate more intuitively.

18. Test different breadcrumb styles: Experiment with different styles of breadcrumb navigation, such as horizontal or vertical layouts, to see what works best for your website and target audience.

19. Use A/B testing: Conduct A/B or multivariate testing to compare different versions of your breadcrumb navigation and determine which design elements and labels are most effective in improving user engagement and conversions.

20. Seek user feedback: Actively solicit feedback from users regarding their experience with your breadcrumb navigation. This can provide valuable insights for further optimization.

21. Use breadcrumb microdata: Implementing breadcrumb microdata in your HTML markup helps search engines understand the structure and hierarchy of your website. This can improve the visibility of your breadcrumb navigation in search engine result pages (SERPs).

22. Consider the length of breadcrumb labels: Keep breadcrumb labels concise and avoid using long phrases or sentences. Shorter labels are easier to scan and comprehend quickly.

23. Customize the design to match your website's branding: Ensure that the design of your breadcrumb navigation aligns with your overall website branding and aesthetics. This creates a cohesive user experience and enhances visual appeal.

24. Use hover or dropdown menus for multilevel breadcrumbs: If your breadcrumb navigation has multiple levels, consider using hover or dropdown menus to display the submenu items when users interact with a specific breadcrumb segment.

25. Provide a clear indication of the current page: Highlight or style the last item in the breadcrumb trail to indicate the current page or location within the website. This helps users easily identify their current position and provides contextual information.

26. Provide a "You are here" label: Consider adding a "You are here" label or similar text before the breadcrumb navigation to explicitly indicate its purpose and help users understand its role in the overall navigation.

27. Use analytics data to identify improvements: Analyze user behavior, such as click-through rates and bounce rates, to identify any usability issues or areas for improvement in your breadcrumb navigation. Data-driven insights can help guide your optimization efforts.

Breadcrumbs are an important part of optimizing user navigation on our website. You have detailed everything great! Just one thing, be precise with your formatting so forum member's readability is improved  !-!


Bread crumbs are very helpful to the users. They help the users to not only trace their path, but also to visit similar pages and dig deeper into the site. This helps minimize negative factors such as bounce rates of your site, resulting in positive optimization.


Use breadcrumbs only when they help users; SEO is an additional benefit.
Use bread crumbs at the top of your webpage.
If you use them on one page, use them across the website.
Start from your Home page, and degrade step-by-step to the current page.
Don't link to the current page.


How to Optimize Breadcrumbs for SEO-
1. Use breadcrumbs only when they help users; SEO is an additional benefit.
2. Use bread crumbs at the top of your webpage.
3. If you use them on one page, use them across the website.
4. Start from your Home page, and degrade step-by-step to the current page.
5. Don't link to the current page.