Keyword Density

Started by charleskoliver, 02-18-2013, 05:03:24

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Keywords density is an abstract value. It's not necessary to dwell on it.
Simply create content for users and try as much as possible to answer the user's query - it will give you a result.
It's optimal to use LSI keywords in a writing content so you can create the most useful content for the user and give the search engines to understand what is your page about.
Use of at least 500 words in the content for maximum results.


Keywords density is the amount of keywords appeared in the content. It is shown in terms of percentage. According to the standard function it should be 3-4% of the content.

emiley bailey


Let me explain first what is Keyword Density

It is the % of keyword repetition in your entire content on that page..

If excess of keyword repetition or stuffing is their in the content then it is not good and ranking of your page is tough...

We can use the for checking your keyword density....


Keyword density should be 5 % for any website. Simple formula to calculate keyword is:
Keyword Density = (Nkr / Tkn) x 100


Keyword density is the percentage of times a keyword or phrase appears on a web page compared to the total number of words on the page. In general it can be up-to 4% & synonyms can be used in addition.