Product Title

Started by vikfom, 07-25-2015, 07:40:00

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vikfomTopic starter

Should product title be the same as the name of the product photo? Or should they be different for a better SEO?


The title of the product should allow the customers to know what the product is. Your product title can be different from your product photo.


When it comes to product titles and their corresponding product photos, it is generally beneficial for SEO to have them align as closely as possible. This can help improve the overall relevance and visibility of your product in search results. However, it is also important to ensure that the product title accurately reflects the product itself and provides useful information to potential customers. Thus, finding a balance between similarity and specificity is key.

While it is generally recommended to have the product title align closely with the name of the product photo for SEO purposes, you can still optimize your product titles by adding additional relevant keywords. This can help improve your product's search rankings and visibility. It's important to strike a balance between using descriptive keywords and maintaining a concise and user-friendly title. Ultimately, you want your product titles to accurately represent your products while also appealing to search engines and potential customers. Conducting keyword research and analyzing customer search behavior can provide valuable insights for optimizing your product titles for better SEO performance.

When it comes to SEO, it is important to optimize your product titles to increase visibility and improve search rankings. Here are a few strategies:

1. Use descriptive and specific keywords: Incorporate relevant keywords that accurately describe your product. Think about how potential customers might search for your product and include those terms in your title.

2. Keep it concise: While adding keywords is important, don't make the title too long or cumbersome. Aim for a title that is concise yet informative.

3. Include unique selling points: Highlight any unique features or benefits of your product in the title. This not only helps differentiate your product from competitors, but also provides valuable information to potential customers.

4. Avoid keyword stuffing: While it's important to include keywords, avoid overusing them to the point where it becomes unnatural or spammy. Maintain a balance between keyword optimization and readability.

5. Test and iterate: Monitor the performance of your product titles using analytics tools and make adjustments as needed. Regularly reviewing and optimizing your titles based on user behavior and search trends can help keep your SEO strategy effective.


The title of your product should let the customer know with a quick look what the product is, what is included, the transportation used . Adjectives such as 'the best' or 'fantastic' should be avoided and titles should also never be written all in CAPITALS.


Product title is the attribute that matches the customers search. It should describe product and include the keywords, so customer can search the product.

MRI wisdom

For better SEO, it's generally recommended to have the product title and the name of the product photo be relevant and related, but they don't necessarily have to be the same. Both elements should include descriptive keywords that accurately represent the product. Having relevant keywords in both the product title and the product photo name can improve search engine visibility and help users understand what the product is about. It's essential to maintain consistency and relevance between the two to enhance the overall SEO of the product page.
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