Tips for seo long keyword effectively

Started by curaqua, 07-19-2015, 01:01:01

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curaquaTopic starter

Do SEO long keyword has been prioritized by the professional SEOer and develop skills for their own. So What benefit when do SEO long keywords , how importance it is and how to do SEO? Today I will share with you the experience that I know about seo tips lengthy keyword in the SEO world. Over 70% of users search on google browsers, firefox, ... are search using long keywords, this is the first knowledge you need to know to start SEO keyword selection.

Keyword analysis.

You can use Keyword analysis tool of Google is Google Adword. This is the best free Keyword analysis tool for SEOer. With this tool not only give us guides word beside origin keyword but also it supplyes us how average density is searched, how many people have searched in month. This is the premise for analysissing keywords later.

SEO long Keyword means you will get less competitive, and your website will has chance to be ranked on top more with sort time, The keywords can be associated with such questions as: "Where?", "What is?", ...or associated with specific locations. Because of user's purpose is wish to obtain the most specific information when questioned. When you SEO keywords for your products and services that is looking for by more people on top that means you have a 10% chance of the sales amount with searches on that keyword.

The density of keywords in the article.

Keyword density is the ratio % between the number of words or key phrases appearing against to the total words showed in your website. The formula for calculating keyword density is: Keyword Density = (Nkr / Tkn) x 100 within: Nkr = how many times you repeated a specific keyword (repeat number of keywords in text) Tkn = total words in the analyzed text (Total number of words in the text). Ideal density of keywords in the article is about 3% to 4.5% is appropriate.

Placement of keywords.

When SEO long keyword, you should keep the article contents naturally avoid keyword stuffing keyword, Should evenly distributed in text avoid inhibition to users and search engines. Keywords should be placed at the beginning of paragraphs to empower content avoid repeating keywords 2 times in 1 piece of content should ingenious keyword in the title, use H1-H3 tags to put all the power. - It is ingenious to put keywords to your photos, videos, attachments etc ....

Should incorporate keywords into the short, long, brand, sub keywords to diversified and avoid boring keywords.So if you want to achieve high efficiency you need to understand this concept.

Backlink Building effective systems.

You can refer to several ways below:
- Writing quality articles is an effective way to build backlinks system for your web site thanks to sharing views of those articles
- Search the Web 2.0 to generate quality backlinks for your website. The 20 usually very reputable website for Google.
- Join social networking to exchange links with your friends, While your opponents are SEOing short keywords, have a high level of competition, hard to top, Then why are you chasing your opponent without using SEO long keyword, have a low level of competition, and on top more easily, navigate to more users.


I would appreciate about the info you have shared with everybody. It is good but something missing in it. Long tail keyword is very effective as it helps the online surfers to search for the topic in Google easily. It assist to get the exact search result in Google with the precision it requires. Even a good keyword density in the website or in any blog of it helps to get it at the front page of Google easily.


Of course it is better to work on long tail keywords at the start then after improving the ranking of long tail then ultimately you will rank for short tail it is a good strategy


Long tail keywords are a good source to rank your website faster in search engines. These keywords have low number of searches and thus helpful to rank them faster in search results.


To increase our local google rank we use long tail keyword. Long Tail keyword has less competition and has more searches, they are not used by more website and keywords are also easy to track for search engine. Thanks for the useful tips


There are also SEO advantages and other benefits for attracting, connecting and engaging your new prospects and visitors. That means your mission is to create new and interesting content. I was really impressed by the work done by writers - highly recommend them.


Long tail keywords have taken on a greater importance in organic search, especially with the ever-increasing momentum of mobile users. Whether driving traffic to your website, or promoting a PPC ad campaign, the value of long tail keywords create better targeted action for your marketing and sales funnels. Essentially, a long tail keyword consists of a basic search term with added modifiers. Long tail keywords make it easier to target traffic, lead to better conversions, are less expensive in PPC advertising, and are typically much easier to rank for.


Longtail keywords are very effective from online surfers point of view. It helps to search for a particular topic in Google without any hassle and even it shows many search results related to that keyword phrase which you are searching. Particularly a longtail keyword assist to get the exact search result within an instant. The top searched website in Google's first page is what helps the individual to get their info at that moment only. Longtail keyword helps to increase the search bar of any website in Google quickly. Work on it only.


The key to success is knowing where your biggest traffic and revenue increases are lying hidden, just waiting for you to uncover them. I call this "the low hanging fruit" of search marketing, where implementing small changes or just making a few small adjustments and fixes can reap rich rewards.