What is canonical tag in SEO?

Started by stuartthomas, 11-05-2012, 23:54:37

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stuartthomasTopic starter


I want to know use of canonical tag in SEO and how can add in static website and dynamic website. Please anyone can give me their suggestions. I am waiting your kindly reply.......



in a static website you have to use it by adding the code by hand while on a dynamic website like wordpress, there are several plugins which help you achieve the goal of setting pages to canonical


 Hello Guys,

If you have two or more pages with similar content, you can tell google, which is your preferred page to show in the search engine results. This is referred to as your 'canonical' page.

Thanks and Regards
Richard Smith

Reputation Management Services


The canonical tag is an important tool in SEO that helps search engines understand the preferred version of a webpage when there are multiple versions available. It is used to avoid duplicate content issues and consolidate the authority of different URLs into a single URL.

To add a canonical tag to a static website, you will need to manually edit the HTML code of each page. In the head section of each webpage, you can insert the following line of code:

<link rel="canonical" href="https://www.example.com/original-url" />

Replace `https://www.example.com/original-url` with the URL of the preferred version of the page.

On a dynamic website, the process will depend on the technology or content management system (CMS) you are using. Most CMS platforms have plugins or modules that can help you add canonical tags automatically. For example, if you are using WordPress, you can install an SEO plugin like Yoast SEO or All in One SEO Pack, which will allow you to set canonical URLs for pages and posts.

It's important to note that the specific implementation details may vary depending on your website setup and CMS platform. It is recommended to consult the documentation provided by your CMS or seek assistance from a developer or SEO specialist when implementing canonical tags.

details about canonical tags in SEO:

1. Duplicate Content: Duplicate content refers to similar or identical content available on multiple URLs. It can dilute the authority and relevance of your webpages in search engine rankings. The canonical tag helps search engines identify the main or preferred version of a webpage and consolidate ranking signals for that particular URL.

2. Cross-Domain Canonicals: Canonical tags can also be used across different domains. For example, if you have similar content on multiple websites or subdomains, you can use a canonical tag to indicate the primary source of the content.

3. Dynamic Websites: In dynamic websites, where content is generated dynamically from a database or through server-side scripting, canonical tags can be added programmatically. The logic behind implementing canonical tags may vary depending on the platform and programming language used for your website.

4. Variations of URLs: Canonical tags can be used to handle different variations of a URL that might point to the same content. For example, URLs with different query parameters, session IDs, or tracking codes can all be consolidated using a canonical tag.

5. Rel="canonical" vs. 301 Redirect: While a 301 redirect is another way to address duplicate content, it permanently redirects one URL to another. The canonical tag is more appropriate when you want to keep both URLs accessible but specify which one should be considered as the preferred version.

few more points about canonical tags in SEO:

1. Pagination: Canonical tags are commonly used to address pagination issues. When you have a series of pages with similar content, such as product listings or blog posts, you can use canonical tags to indicate the main page and avoid duplicate content problems. Each paginated page should have a canonical tag pointing to the first page of the series.

2. Self-Referencing Canonicals: Sometimes, a webpage may have different URLs due to parameters or URL variations. In such cases, using a self-referencing canonical tag is helpful. This means that the canonical tag points back to itself, indicating that it is the preferred version of the page.

3. International SEO: Canonical tags can be useful for handling duplicate content across different language or regional versions of your website. Each version should have a canonical tag pointing to its respective primary version, indicating that they are alternate versions of the same content.

4. When Not to Use Canonical Tags: It's important to use canonical tags judiciously and only when necessary. They should not be used for unrelated pages or to manipulate search engine rankings. Avoid using canonical tags as a substitute for proper site structure or redirects.

5. Monitoring and Reporting: Regularly monitor the implementation of canonical tags on your website through tools like Google Search Console. This will help you identify any issues or errors and ensure that the canonical tags are functioning properly.


Canonical url basically means the preferred urls which lead to your article. Simply put it is an attribute of the link tag just like we have a few other attributes for example the no-follow attribute.


     Many times we are in a situation where we have to use same content for different pages in our site.It is not a real meta tag but an HTML description.By adding the canonical tag we are giving messages to spiders that which page you want to display.


When a page of your website is being opened with multiple urls so it would be considered a canonical issue and Google rates it like a Duplication.


Canonical tags help the search engines know which way you prefer the page to be indexed in those search engines and also let them know that this page is really just one page–not three.


If you have two or more pages with similar content,you van tell google which is your preffered page to show in the search engine results.this is referred to as your 'conanical' page.


Canonical tag in SEO is that tag you can use to redirect page in single url..:)