What is Google penalty?

Started by jerryhelen26, 01-29-2013, 08:23:33

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Google penalty is a term any website would never like to come across because not only it will harm the SEO ranking of your website but also will bring out the image of your website as one practicing the black hat SEO techniques which is bad for the goodwill of your website.


Reason behind Google penalty is because of intentional as use of Black hat Seo or unfortunately because of updated algorithm.Effect of Penalty on website are such as reduced ranking in google results. 
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Google takes "manual actions' against websites that they perceive to be harmful to the search, or to Google.  Because of the huge consequences of such actions, Google did not even acknowledge penalties until only very recently, and even then on a very limited basis.  It is very likely that if you are penalized, you won't hear about it from Google.  This is changing, ever so slowly, and if you received a message in Webmaster Tools that you are in violation of the guidelines, consider yourself very lucky.  The vast majority of penalties come unannounced and therefore with no direction for cure.  A message from Google may even be specific - we're aware of messages referencing paid links and doorway pages.
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Google penalty is a general term that refers to a negative impact on a website's search ranking based on updates to Google's search algorithms. The penalty can be an unfortunate by-product, or an intentional penalization of various black-hat SEO techniques.


A Google penalty is the negative impact on a website's search rankings based on updates to Google's search algorithms and/or manual review. The penalty can be an unfortunate by-product of an algorithm update or an intentional penalization for various black-hat SEO techniques.

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A Google Penalty identifies negative impact on your website's performance in Google Search Result Pages (SERPs). The reasons for that might be Google Algorithm Update and/or Manual Penalty.


A Google penalty is the negative effect on a site's inquiry rankings focused around redesigns to Google's pursuit calculations and/or manual audit. The punishment might be a deplorable by-result of a calculation overhaul or a purposeful punishment for different dark cap SEO procedures.


Google may penalise your web page for one of two good reasons – using tricky methods to maximize your site's search rankings or providing a poor practical experience to people who visit your site.


A Google penalty is the negative impact on a website's search rankings based on updates to Google's search algorithms and/or manual review. Google penalties typically fall under on of these two different categories.The first type is the manual penalty and second type is the algorithmic penalty. The easiest way to figure out which algorithm is affecting your website is to look at your analytics data. Drops in organic search traffic that correspond with known algorithm updates are a fairly clear indication of which algorithm is affecting you.


Google Penalty can be defined as the negative impact on your website's search ranking depending on various Google updates. Even if you are using Black Hat techniques to rank your website, then also your website can be penalized.