What is Meta Description & How to create Meta Description?

Started by nazmulph, 01-07-2016, 05:44:11

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 Meta description is the snippet of information below the link of a serch result. Its purpose is to describe the contents of the page  to the searcher. Here are some tips how to write meta description clear, helpful, and stand out to searchers:
- use action-oriented language;
- provide a solution or benefit;
- keep it under 155 characters;
- don't deceive searchers;
- nake it specific and relevant. 


Meta descriptions are very important to let know users about your website.It is a brief description about your website or business services/products.Should create meta description by following guidelines like the description shoud have limited charaters (150 characters) and keywords should be placed in meta description.


Meta description tags, while not important to search engine rankings, are extremely important in gaining user click-through from SERPs.A meta description tag is a snippet of HTML code in a web page header that summarizes the content that is on the web page. When optimizing a web page for search engines (SEO), it is considered a best practice to use meta description tags. 

Kate Evans

A Meta Description is an HTML attribute code that is meant to provide a summary of what a web page is about. It is often used by search engines on the results page as the description following a link. If you want to learn how create a meta description, I suggest you to look through this article http://www.webpagemistakes.ca/meta-description/! Hope it will be interesting and useful for you to read this information!