What is PageRank Evaporation?

Started by ellenwillss, 03-03-2011, 04:07:27

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Hmmm I've never really heard of PageRank evaporation but I definitely will look up on the web about it. Makes me very curious.



Page Rank Sculpting:- Links with no follow links will not pass any page rank and result into page rank evaporation. hope you understood.



When you are doing PR sculpting then PR evaporation is common practice when links having the nofollow attribute and not getting any juice to flow.


Google's Matt Cutts stated that links with the nofollow attribute apparently do not enable more PageRank (or link juice) to flow to the followed links on the page. Instead, the PageRank that would have otherwise been passed just evaporates.


PageRank Evaporation is common when doing PR Sculpting. Matt Cutts stated that when the links with nofollow attribute, will not be getting anymore link juices to flow and follow the links on the page. Instead, the PR will be wasted and evaporates into nothing which should have been passed.


PageRank Evaporation – Noun phrase. In PageRank algorithms, some or all of a document's PageRank may be distributed to the rest of the documents in the collection. This is called PageRank Evaporation.


Read more: http://www.seo-theory.com/seo-glossary/