What is Key aspects of Heading tag..?

Started by Ruhikhan862, 07-10-2017, 03:00:48

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Ruhikhan862Topic starter

Hello friends,

What is Key aspects of Heading tag..?


Heading tags are used to define the headings in your page. Heading tags will be recognized by browsers which don't recognize style sheets. Heading tags are used by search engines to identify words which are more important than the rest of the page text. The theory is that headings will sum up the topic of the page, so they are counted as important keywords.


The key aspects of the heading tag in HTML are:

1. Structure: The heading tag is used to define headings or titles within a web page. It provides structure and hierarchy to the content by indicating the importance of different sections.

2. Hierarchy: There are six levels of heading tags, from <h1> to <h6>, with <h1> being the most important and <h6> being the least important. This helps in organizing the content in a hierarchical manner.

3. SEO: Search engines use heading tags to understand the structure and context of a web page. Proper use of heading tags can improve the SEO of a webpage by signaling the relevance and hierarchy of the content.

4. Accessibility: Heading tags provide important cues for screen readers and other assistive technologies used by people with disabilities to navigate and understand the content of a web page.

5. Styling: Heading tags can be styled using CSS to control their appearance, such as font size, color, and weight, to make the content more visually appealing and consistent with the overall design of the website.

6. Semantic Meaning: Heading tags provide semantic meaning to the content, allowing both users and search engines to understand the main topics and subtopics of a web page. This semantic structure improves the overall readability and comprehensibility of the content.

7. Navigation: Heading tags can be used to create in-page navigation by linking to different sections of the page. This allows users to quickly navigate to specific parts of the content, enhancing user experience and usability.

8. Consistency: Proper use of heading tags ensures consistency in the structure and presentation of content across different web pages within a website. This contributes to a cohesive and organized user experience.

9. Mobile Responsiveness: Heading tags play a crucial role in creating a responsive design for web pages, ensuring that headings are appropriately sized and structured for various devices and screen sizes.

The heading tag is crucial for organizing and structuring the content of a web page. Here are some additional key aspects of the heading tag:

Semantic meaning: Heading tags provide semantic meaning to the content by indicating the main topics or sections of a webpage. This helps both search engines and users understand the organization and flow of the content.

Content hierarchy: Proper use of heading tags establishes a clear hierarchy within the content, making it easier for readers to scan and understand the main points of the page.

Accessibility: Heading tags play a vital role in improving the accessibility of a website. Screen readers and other assistive technologies rely on heading tags to navigate and present content to users with disabilities.

Best practices: It's important to use heading tags according to best practices, such as using only one <h1> tag per page for the main title and structuring subsequent headings in a logical order, without skipping levels (e.g., using <h2> after <h1>).

Consistency: Consistent use of heading tags throughout a website helps maintain a cohesive visual and structural presentation of content, improving user experience and understanding.

When used correctly, heading tags contribute to the overall readability, search engine optimization, and accessibility of a web page, making them an essential part of effective web design and development.


Using heading tags properly promotes readability for your viewers and enhances your SEO. Displaying content to your viewers through the use of relevant heading and sub-heading tags is a great way to clearly communicate your content to search engines.



It tells the search engine what is your page about. It lets google decide what can be the possible keywords for you page be.

Hitesh Patel

You can use your target keywords in the h1 tag. If you use keywords in the h1 tag then you can rank up for those keywords on the SERPs. Search engine concerns h1 tag as a title so don't use more than one h1 tag on the web page.