what is the use of google analytics ?

Started by lucky1, 04-23-2015, 00:46:46

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lucky1Topic starter

Hello friends,

    I want to know that what is the use of  google analytics ? tell me friends...

emiley bailey


Google Analytics is the best technique used for analyzing your website, content, and understanding your users' perception about your website.

The reasons why Google Analytics is used are:

1. Identify the location where your best visitors are located
2. Identify what is searched the most on your website
3. You can uncover your top contents
4. Identify if your website requires the mobile app
5. Identify which page is not performing good by quick exit.

Remember when you identify the data and analysis it now the actual use if Google Analytics end and your work starts that is now you need to use the data to formulate your strategy in order to get the maximum reach and conversion by providing what is desired by your customers.

Make best use of the Data....:)  :)


With Google Analytics you can track all the traffic coming to your site. You need to just insert analytics code in header section of every webpage of your site. It offers complete analysis & data regarding traffic in graphical manner.

Steve D


Google Analytic is a free web analysis service offered by Google that keeps track of all the traffic coming to your site. It helps to the customer engagement with the website. !-!




Google Analytics is a free tool that have extensive analytics features. It provides you detailed data of your website/webpage visitors. It also allows you to track how many visitors visit a specific page of your website and how many in them covert into customers.


Google analytics is one of the most reliable tools. Through this tool one can easily find the number of visitors per month/day/week, total sessions, bounce rate, referral/direct/social traffic and sources, location of the traffic(country wise) etc. 


Google analytics is used to know about website visitors coming to your website. Which pages are getting more hit, what keywords prompt users to visit your website, source of traffic etc. You can get these data from Google analytics.
I'm working in MaverickGlobal, Award winning newbielink:http://www.maverickinfosoft.com/website-design.php [nonactive].

Rajiv Jain

Google analytics is the major part to know about website statistics like from browser and from which gadget they are geting traffic and many more.


Google Analytic is tracking to visitors, goals, funnel, bounce rate, page views, how many people is going in which pages all tracking to all users.

Hemanth malli

Google analytics is very important because we can analyze completely about the performance of the Website. According to this report we can Re-Analyze the strategies which can help to get more traffic to the website.