My efforts seems useless for SEO

Started by CedricGrant, 04-25-2016, 06:56:10

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CedricGrantTopic starter

Hello friends! I am Cedric and i am working for newbielink: [nonactive] and i am continuously working for two keywords Ecommerce Development Company in Ludhiana and Best Website Development Company in Ludhiana. They are placed in 2nd page on Google and doesn't moved from their place. Could you please give me suggestion how to rank these keywords? What should i do to rank these keywords?


To rank your keywords higher on Google, here are a few suggestions:

1. Optimize your website: Ensure that your website is well-optimized for the target keywords. This includes using relevant meta tags, optimizing page titles and descriptions, using header tags, and incorporating relevant keywords throughout your site's content.

2. Improve page loading speed: Google considers page loading speed as a ranking factor. Make sure your website loads quickly by optimizing image sizes, minifying code, and using caching techniques.

3. Create high-quality content: Develop engaging and informative content around your target keywords. This could include blog posts, articles, case studies, or infographics. Focus on providing value to your users, and ensure that your content is unique, well-researched, and properly formatted.

4. Build backlinks: Acquire high-quality backlinks from authoritative and relevant websites. This can be achieved through guest blogging, creating shareable content, reaching out to influencers, or engaging in content partnerships.

5. Improve user experience: Enhance your website's user experience by making it easy to navigate, mobile-friendly, and accessible. Google considers user experience as an important ranking factor, so ensure that your website is intuitive and provides a seamless browsing experience.

6. Local SEO optimization: Since you are targeting keywords related to Ludhiana, focus on local SEO strategies. This includes optimizing for local business directories, obtaining customer reviews, and targeting location-specific keywords.

7. Conduct keyword research: Expand your keyword list by conducting comprehensive keyword research. Identify relevant long-tail keywords that have lower competition but high search intent. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to identify valuable keywords to target.

8. Monitor and analyze competitors: Study your competitors' websites that are ranking higher for your target keywords. Analyze their content, backlink profiles, and on-page optimization strategies. Identify areas where you can improve or differentiate yourself to gain an edge.

9. Regularly update your website: Keep your website updated with fresh content. Regularly publish new blog posts, articles, or updates to show search engines that your website is active and authoritative in your niche.

10. Optimize for mobile devices: Mobile optimization is crucial as the majority of internet users access websites through mobile devices. Ensure that your website is mobile-friendly and responsive to provide a seamless experience across different screen sizes.

11. Improve social media presence: Build a strong social media presence by actively engaging with your audience on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn. Share your content, engage with followers, participate in relevant industry discussions, and encourage social sharing of your content.

12. Generate positive reviews: Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews on platforms like Google My Business, Yelp, or industry-specific review sites. Positive reviews can boost your credibility and improve your local SEO rankings.

13. Monitor and optimize for user metrics: Keep track of user metrics like bounce rate, time on site, and conversion rates. Analyze these metrics and make improvements to your website's design, content, and navigation to enhance the user experience and increase engagement.

14. Consider paid advertising: While organic SEO efforts take time, you can complement your strategy with paid advertising campaigns like Google Ads or social media ads. This can help increase visibility and drive targeted traffic to your website while you work on improving organic rankings.

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