want to choose cloud hosting for my e-commerce site

Started by Chersont, 01-12-2018, 04:00:06

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ChersontTopic starter

I require your help regarding the choice of reliable host offering e-commerce hosting plans.
Could anyone help me in comparison, I've found Viux.com - they offer ssd hosting
I need about 20 gbs of space and 700 gbs of bandwidth.

What host is better from your points? Why?


No hidden fees or surprises, very reliable service. Highly recommend viux.com cloud web hosting service.
Site uploaded and mail lists set up without a hitch - and any technical query dealt with immediately.
'Dream' as if you'll live forever..Live as if tomorrow is last one...


Viux.com ?
Well, this decent cloud host is well-known. They offer 99.9% uptime guarantree, 24/7 customer support and competitive pricing.


Joined viux.com after reading good reviews on this website!
It's very cheap compare to other host and they also give some interesting discount rates.
IT is Rock-Solid Web host!


Hi. You may want to try this. https://aws.amazon.com/free/?sc_channel=PS&sc_campaign=acquisition_PH&sc_publisher=google&sc_medium=cloud_computing_nb&sc_content=hosting_generic_p&sc_detail=cloud%20hosting&sc_category=cloud_computing&sc_segment=102036137547&sc_matchtype=p&sc_country=PH&s_kwcid=AL!4422!3!102036137547!p!!g!!cloud%20hosting&ef_id=WMTCQAAAAFyxUWO4:20180127191955:s
Seek Clarity. Do the work. http://transcendtorontoseo.com


First rate provider. Set-up of site brilliantly easy. Support desk quick, polite and helpful.
Pricing - the best. Viux.com are the absolute best in the business.