Upload a file to send to me?

Started by Walalayo, 11-01-2011, 02:41:42

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WalalayoTopic starter

My friend is having his birthday coming up and im creating a movie about all his friends saying nice things to him. I want to create a site via HTML or whatever you guys think is best so that people can come to the site and send their movie file to me. is this possible and how? I want people to click browse and search for the movie file and send press okay and it will get to me or a place that i can download it from.


Yes, it is possible to create a website where people can upload their movie files and send them to you. Here's a general outline of how you could achieve this:

1. Set up a web server: To host your website and handle file uploads, you will need to have a web server. There are various options available, including Apache, Nginx, or hosting services like Heroku or AWS.

2. Design the website: Create a webpage using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that allows users to browse and select their movie file. You can use a file input element `<input type="file">` to enable file selection.

3. Handle file uploads: On the server-side, you'll need to write code to receive and store the uploaded files. Depending on the server framework you choose, the implementation will vary. For example, in Node.js, you could use the `express` framework and a package like `multer` to handle file uploads.

4. Save and organize the files: Once a user uploads a movie file, you can save it to a specific location on your server or use storage services like Amazon S3 or Firebase Storage to store and manage the files.

5. Notify and provide download access: After the file is successfully uploaded, you can notify yourself via email or other means that a new movie file has been received. Additionally, you can generate a unique download link for each uploaded file and provide it to the user or make it accessible for you to download later.

Remember to consider security measures like file size limits, file type restrictions, and sanitizing the input to prevent malicious file uploads.

This is just a high-level overview, and the specific implementation details will depend on your chosen server framework and programming language.